I shook my head at her. “I’m not going to put you in that position.”

“If my parents ask what’s going on, I’ll make up something.” She set her purse on the ground next to her so she could hold the chains and swing her legs.

“No.” I wasn’t going to be responsible for any more disasters.

Miranda turned pleading eyes on me. “Please let me help you.”

“You can do something for me.” I blew out a breath. “Two things, actually.”

“Name it.”

“Keep an eye out for Rach.”

“In what way?” Miranda asked, and stopped even attempting to swing.

“She’s going to take the train to Common Grounds to play her guitar outside. Just drop by whenever you can. See how she’s doing. Make sure she’s okay.”

“They’ll love her there. I know the manager.” Miranda stood and moved in front of me. “I’ll get her a tryout. Better for her to play inside than outside.”

“That would be awesome.” I glanced at her swing. “You looked like you were enjoying yourself.”

“I was.” She gestured. “Try it.”

“All right. I will if you’ll stay with me a while and let me ask you one more thing.”


Miranda resumed her seat, and I started swinging my legs to get momentum. Peering up, I took in the cloudless blue sky. The day was warm, hinting at an end to the chilly days of spring and warmer summer days to come. It was a nice day, only a faint sound of a siren in the distance. I could almost believe my life wasn’t as big a mess as it was.

“What’s the one more thing?” she asked.

I turned to look at her. Miranda looked pretty in a navy outfit that hugged her curves, her hair loose and perfectly styled, her expression carefree.

If only I could be carefree. If only my life wasn’t a complete disaster.

“Rach told me Collin’s doing drugs,” I said grimly.

Miranda’s carefree mood disappeared. Her expression turning guarded, she stopped swinging and began smoothing wrinkles that didn’t exist from her pants.

“Did you know?” I asked.

“Uh-huh.” She looked up. “I’m sorry, Addy. I knew he wouldn’t want you to know. He beats himself up about it. I don’t think it’s all the time. Just sometimes when Andy pressures him.”

Why had I never noticed like she and Barry did how much influence Andy had over Collin?

“Can you ...” My voice cracked. “Would you look out for him?”

“Like with your sister?’ She narrowed her dark brown eyes.

“Yeah, something like that.” I knew her history with him. Asking, I was giving her permission to get close to him again. I wasn’t just closing a door to Collin and me ... I was locking myself out and giving her a key. Maybe the key for them to get back together.

“I don’t think—”

“Do it for me,” I said quickly. Collin didn’t need my toxicity in his life. Maybe she could succeed with him where I’d failed. “Please.”

“Okay, Addy.” She studied me for a long moment, her brow crinkling. “If you do something for me.”

“What’s that?” I stopped swinging and planted my feet on the ground, prepared to give her whatever she asked for, though I didn’t have much.