She gave that a somber nod. “I got the burger you saved from the fridge upstairs. Heated it in the microwave and cut it in half.” She gestured to the Styrofoam container. She’d cut that in half too.

“Thanks, Rach.” It looked and smelled awful. But it was food. I was grateful for that.

“So, breakfast first.” She pointed. “Then shower and work for you.”

“Yeah.” Unzipping the sleeping bag, I laid it out, sat, and patted a spot beside me. “Sit and eat with me. We’ll have a picnic.”

“Okay.” She picked up her side of breakfast and joined me.

While she got comfortable, I thought about how to approach one of my concerns, but she started speaking first.

“I can’t go to school. I have nothing to do while you work. I need to get a job too. We need money.”

“I was thinking the same thing.”

“Do you think Martin will hire me?” she asked.

“No. I mean, he might.” I balanced my makeshift breakfast tray on my legs. “But I have another idea.”

“What?” She tilted her head.

“Playing your guitar for tips. Singing.”

“On the street?”

I nodded and made myself take a bite of the burger. It was gross, but I forced myself to chew and swallow.

“I didn’t make hardly anything doing that.” She pursed her lips.

“Here you didn’t. But you might in a different location.” A different location where the Southside cops wouldn’t look for her or me.



“I never thought of that.”

I hadn’t either until we ended up here. “There’s a coffee shop near where a lot of Miranda’s college friends hang out. It’s got an overhang. If the weather’s bad, you’ll be a little protected. Plus, if you get into any trouble, you could call her. Her place isn’t too far away.”

“Okay.” Rachel nodded. “But I’ll need to take the train.”


“That’s an expense.”

“Andy gave you your portion of this weekend’s gig money, right?”


That was only $125. My brows drew together. “Where’d the rest go?”

“Andy’s having a lawyer look over RDA’s contract. We’re all chipping in to cover the cost.”

“That’s something,” I said, and she shrugged. “You don’t trust him.”

“I used to.” She gnawed her bottom lip. “Before the band started taking off. Before, well, let’s just say now I don’t know.”

“Why not?”