“If we go into the foster system like your parents want, it could take them months to place us, probably separately. That’s months before they would appoint a guardian who could sign paperwork for Rachel.Ifthey would sign it.”

“She might be right,” Andy said, and Collin’s gaze swung to him.

“I know I’m right.” I curled my fingers into my palms.

“My signature on an intent to sign is all RDA has.” Andy didn’t acknowledge me as he continued. “And they mentioned several times that their offer has a time limit.”

“I’ll keep quiet then.” Collin blasted me with a look so cold, chill bumps appeared on my arms. “For the band. For Rachel. Not doing it for you.” He cranked up his chin and stalked away.

“Collin, please.” Against my better judgment, I reached out for him, and his steps stuttered. Hope tried to bloom again in that space between us, but it was too fragile.

He shook his head without speaking or looking back at me. My gaze followed him as he went out into the hall, taking what remained of hope with him.

Andy sliced his razor-edged gaze over me. “Keep away from him, you toxic bitch, or I’ll turn you in to the authorities myself. You feel me?”

Tears spilling from my eyes, I nodded.

“He doesn’t mean that.” Rachel slid her arm around me as Andy followed his friend and disappeared. “He’s just mad. Upset and lashing out because you hurt Collin.”

“Rach thinks Andy’s capable of better than I do.” Barry moved beside my sister. “He shoots off his mouth regardless of the consequences, and Collin just does whatever Andy tells him to.”

I tilted my head, giving that some thought. Barry snagged his discarded shirt from the floor and put it on.

“If I were you, I would keep my distance.” He aimed his shuttered gaze at me. “Don’t press your luck.”

What luck? I didn’t have any luck, and never had. Didn’t he see? Didn’t anybody see that?

“I’m sorry about what happened.” I watched him put on his shirt, covering all that masculine beauty. “It’s my fault. I take full responsibility. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

Barry shook his head. “Not going to allow you to dismiss or take responsibility for something we both wanted.”

He hit me with eye contact that, for the first time since we’d become friends, held no warm understanding or gentle care. And suddenly, I felt more adrift than ever.

“See you around, Rach.” He brought my sister close and pressed his lips to the top of her head. Acknowledging me with a cool nod, Barry was out the door and gone.

The next day, my little portable alarm clock went off way too soon. I didn’t want to wake up. Didn’t want to face reality. The world wasn’t what I wanted it to be.

“You’re up,” Rachel said.

Sitting up, I pushed my hair out of my eyes to look at her. Wearing a pretty blue blouse, a T-shirt, and a jacket, she was dressed, and her sleeping bag was rolled up.

“I don’t know about up, but my eyes are open,” I mumbled, and that was the truth on many levels.

My boyfriend—ex-boyfriend—didn’t even want to try to understand my predicament. Because I couldn’t control my hormones, my list of best friends had dwindled to only one. I hoped my meeting with Miranda today would go well, and that she would provide information that would help me gain the upper hand with her brother. But hope wasn’t certain.

The only thing that was certain? Rachel.

But even she wouldn’t be around for long.

“Did you shower already?” I asked.


“How was it?”

“Not so bad after I cleaned the stall.” She wrinkled her nose. “It takes the hot water a long time to get going. No towel. I used my dirty clothes to dry off.”

I winced. Towels and bed linens weren’t something we’d thought about grabbing from the apartment. We only had some clothes, toiletries, and a few cosmetics. “Can’t be choosy.”