“What about those two girls the other night?”

“Addy, don’t—”

“Did you?”

“Yeah,” he said reluctantly.

“Wow, two at one time. Why do guys get off on that?”

“Seriously?” Laughter rumbled deep in his chest. “Are you seriously asking that?”

“I guess not,” I mumbled. “I know you made it good for them, but was it good for you?”

His brows drew together. “Not discussing this with you.”

“Why not?”

“Because you’re my best friend. Because I’m holding you, thinking only about you, and very much attracted to you. I’m also trying to remind myself that we’re family.” He tapped the tip of my nose. “Therefore, I don’t want to talk about sex.”

“You’re attracted to me?” I asked, fixating on that one thing.

“Addy, yes.”

His fingers going into my hair, he tugged. It hurt a little, but it also felt good too. Scalp to toes, I tingled.

My chin tilted up, my eyes forced to meet his, he said, “Don’t keep pushing me.”

“I’m not,” I said, but my bottom lip came out in a pout. Yeah, I was pushing him.


Barry released my hair, and it slid cool like silk against my skin. His warm palm skimming my back, he stroked my spine.

I knew he intended the caress to be friendly and soothing, but my nipples got so tight, they ached. I wanted to crush them into his chest, or better yet, have him pressing the full weight of his hard body into me.

God, I shouldn’t be thinking thoughts like these.

Barry was my best friend. I was going to hell.

I just broke up with my boyfriend. I was a mess, an emotional train wreck.

Hell, I was probably experiencing some kind of PTSD from everything that recently happened, which explained why I was feeling this way, and why it was so strong.

“You’re so tense. Relax.” His whispered words fanned the flames of my desire.

I pressed my restless thighs together as heat licked my skin. “I’m trying to,” I said, frowning. Shifting, I felt the hard, thick length of him beneath me.

“Barry, I—”

“Addy.” He groaned. “Be still.”

But he wasn’t still. He dove his hand lower, grabbing my ass. Shifting, I straddled him. Heat swelled and throbbed between my legs.

“You feel so good.” Staring into his hot eyes, I wound my arms around his neck.

A dark hunger arose in me. A thirst that I wanted only Barry to quench, best friend or not.

My heart raced as his mouth came closer. His satiny hair brushed over the back of my hands. His heated breath bathed my lips. His eyes closing, his spiky lashes fanned the hollows beneath.