Tears rising to my eyes, I stepped into the haven he offered without hesitation. Barry’s arms closed around me, and my sister wrapped her slender arms around me from behind.

Enveloped in their care, I exhaled the tension that had been coiled inside me since the morning at Collin’s house. I couldn’t hear music anymore, and I no longer had a place to call home.

But I had this, and this was enough.

“Where do you think you’re going?” I lifted my head from Barry’s hard chest and narrowed my gaze on Rachel as she released me and inched toward the door.

“Out.” She gave me a firm look. “Not that it’s your business.”

“Rach.” I planted a hand on my hip. “Don’t give me attitude. Not tonight. Please.”

“Right.” She exhaled. “But you’re not the only one dealing with things.”

“Some issues came up with the band tonight,” Barry said. Tucking a loose strand of my hair behind my ear, he held me steady with one of his large hands low on my back while he exchanged a weighted look with Rachel.

“What kind of issues?” I asked.

“Personal stuff involving me.” My sister’s gaze dropped to her feet. “I need to talk to Andy.”

“What kind of personal stuff?” Red warning flags whipped renewed distress inside me. Rachel was being cryptic on purpose.

“Stuff that’s up to me to solve, all right?” She jerked up her chin. “You don’t need to oversee everything.”

“When we’re in a crappy situation like this, I think I do,” I said.

Rachel frowned. “You don’t trust me to handle anything.”

“I’m not saying you’re not capable, but—”

“Not discussing this any further, Addy. I need to go.” She turned her troubled gaze to my best friend. “Barry will stay with you until I get back.”

“Are you okay with this?” I asked him. “Her traipsing off into the night, when the cops—”

“Yeah,” he said quickly. “There aren’t any cops in the garage. Andy’s waiting out there for her in his van.”

“I love you.” Rachel came close and kissed my cheek, then grabbed her purse from a shelf where it had been wedged between two rolls of paper towels. Not sparing Barry or me another glance, she pulled the door open and stepped into the hall.

As soon as the door clicked closed, I whirled on Barry. “What’s going on? What’s she up to? Tell me.”

“Have a seat.”

He withdrew a large box from the bottom shelf and pointed. I sat, though I gulped for oxygen. If I had to be seated to hear this, it couldn’t be good.

“We found out tonight that Andy spent all the merch funds. Almost five thousand dollars.” His handsome features in tight lines, Barry crossed his muscular arms over his wide chest.

“That’s terrible.” I frowned. “I was afraid it was something like that.”

“Yeah, it sucks.” He dipped his head, and long layers of black hair spilled over his brow. “Rach gave it to him, and then some. Their history came up, and things got extremely tense. Collin seemed already aware, but he was really out of it, angry and sullen tonight.”

“This is my fault.”

I dropped my chin to my chest, knowing why Collin was out of it. His performance tonight had suffered because of me. Eventually, he would get over it, go to LA, and become a big star. I would get over him too. Eventually.

Won’t I?

“Not your fault. Andy did what he did,” Barry said firmly. “That has nothing to do with you. Rach wants her portion of tonight’s take now, and I don’t blame her. No one but Collin trusts Andy to handle financial shit for the group anymore.”

Barry dropped down onto one knee in front of me. Even kneeling, he was so tall, I had to tilt my head back to maintain eye contact.