“Collin, I’m ...” Breathless and gasping, I hurtled over the edge.

“Addy. Fuck!” Driving into me deep, he stiffened, threw his head back, and groaned. His powerful release extended my own.

“So, so good. Oh, Collin.” Tears leaked from my eyes as I stared at him. I’d never been so close to anyone. Never felt pleasure like this.

He cracked open his eyes. Like moonbeams, they glowed. “I love you.” Panting, he collapsed his weight on top of me.

“Get your rest quick,” I said, grinning as I teased him. “I want to do that again as soon as possible.”

“Babe.” He lifted his head, darkness spilling into his eyes. “Of course we will.”

My phone rang, startling me, and I shook my head.

“Ignore it,” I said quickly. “Whoever or whatever it is can wait.”

“Okay, but ...” He frowned as my phone stopped ringing and his phone started, and my eyes widened. “I should probably get that.”

He caressed my cheek, then pulled out of me. I sat up and drew the coverlet to my chest as he quickly disposed of the condom. Moving to the foot of the bed, he bent and scooped up his jeans, then withdrew his phone from his pocket as it continued to ring.

“Hello?” He immediately looked at me. “Yes. She’s right here,” he said as a chill spiraled through me. “It’s Rachel.”

When he offered me the phone, my heart raced. This was something bad, I just knew it.

“Hello,” I whispered, fear drawing all the moisture from my throat.

My sister knew what tonight was. What it meant to me. She wouldn’t call unless it was something important or terrible.

Sobbing, Rachel choked out, “Mom’s dead.”

Red and blue lights flashed in my eyes as I walked toward the apartment. My borrowed trench coat was buttoned to the neck, and Collin had his arm wrapped tightly around me.

Entering the courtyard, I scanned for my sister amid at least a dozen policeman and twice as many gawkers. I found Rachel sitting on the front stoop, bookended by Miranda and Barry. They spotted me at the same time.

When Rachel leaped to her feet, I broke away from Collin, and my sister and I came together in a crashing embrace in the middle of the quadrangle with everyone watching.

“Oh, Addy,” Rachel cried. “I can’t believe this is happening. It’s terrible.”

“I know, honey.” I hugged her tighter.

On some level, I knew this might be the inevitable end for our mother, but I wasn’t prepared for it to happen now. I was in shock. My body felt numb, but my eyes were dry. I hadn’t cried yet. Would I cry?

“Miss Footit.” A policeman pointed to me. In full uniform, he stepped away from the others gathered around him and moved toward me. “May I have a word with you?”

“Yes, of course.” My pulse racing, I eased away from Rachel and noticed Barry watching us. A crease marred his handsome brow. “Barry.”

My voice cracked on his name. I wanted to collapse into his arms, but I couldn’t. I had to be strong. I had to get through this.

“Could you take care of Rachel,” I asked him, “while I talk to the officer?”

“I have your sister, babe,” Collin said as he moved closer to her. “Miranda and I will take care of her. Don’t worry.”

“We’re here for you. Whatever you need,” Miranda added, her brow creased like Barry’s had been a moment earlier.

Collin and Barry frowned at each other.

“Thanks.” I nodded to Miranda. Lacking the head space to process the tension between Barry and Collin, I turned to face the officer, my eyes wide. “What is it?”

“Officer Peterson, miss.” His gaze gleamed with seriousness beneath the shiny brim of his hat. “Your sibling has identified the body.”