“I want you to come work for me,” he said.

“What?” Shocked by the sudden turn in the conversation, I gaped at him.

“You heard me.” His gaze narrowed. “I want you ... here at Winston’s overseeing things. I have other businesses to run that require my attention.”

“You have a manager,” I reminded him.

“My current manager will continue Monday through Thursday, but I want you at the helm on the weekends.”

“But I don’t have any managerial experience.”

“You manage ABCR quite nicely.”

“Oh.” Well, I guess I did have some experience after all.

“Twenty thousand per year to start. Teresa will show you everything you need to know. After a six-month training and probationary period, we’ll reevaluate.”

“Wow.” Stunned, I pulled in a deep breath.

For a moment, I was tempted. It seemed like the answer to many of my problems. Only two nights a week for twenty thousand dollars a year? I could quit waitressing at Dick’s. Finish high school or get my GED. Maybe even go to college.

My eyes narrowing in suspicion, I asked, “What other duties would this managerial position entail?”

Martin’s voice took on an intimate tone. “I think you understand that all my employees strive to ensure that their boss is well-pleased.”

“No,” I said firmly. “Not interested.”

This man didn’t want to employ me—he wanted to own me. No matter how tempting the money was, I wouldn’t be owned by any man, especially not one like Martin Skellin.

He frowned. “You’re making the wrong choice.”

“I already have a job.” I pulled in a much-needed breath, trying not to hyperventilate. His displeasure was so palpable, I could practically feel the walls closing in on me.

“How long do you think you’ll have your current position, my dear?” He gestured to a nearby seating area. Nicely dressed reps I recognized from Zenith, RDA, and Black Cat were seated together for the show. “You have only one client. ABCR will sign with a label soon. Their contract will have four lines and require four signatures. None of them yours.”

I hadn’t thought that far out. Work, school, Collin, my situation at home ... those were the worries that consumed me. But I was thinking about it now.

“I suggest you give my offer some more consideration.” Martin raked a hand through his hair, and the shine on his platinum Rolex momentarily blinded me. “Don’t say no just yet.”

The house lights abruptly went out, plunging the club and my thoughts into darkness. Even the bullet-shaped lamps on the tables in the VIP section went dark. The recorded music stopped, and the crowd collectively gasped.

It took me a moment, but my eyes adjusted.

A stage spotlight came on that followed Andy as he confidently strode to center mic. In a magenta velvet smoking jacket and a black shirt unbuttoned to his waist, he looked like a rock star in a music video.

Collin was just as rocker handsome wearing all black, already in position with his guitar on Andy’s right.

On the lead singer’s left, my sister was gorgeous in a magenta crop top, black miniskirt, and her Fender.

Barry oversaw it all from his riser behind the others. The skin on his bass drum sported the new ABCR logo in silver block letters over the silhouette of a magenta guitar, just like our band merchandise did.

Barry clacked his sticks together over his head. “One, two, three.”

Drums and guitar, Collin and Barry started the song in sync. Barry’s sticks were a blur on his snare, and Collin’s fingers were every bit as fast on his strings. I hadn’t heard them play this song before, only that spine-tingling opening riff.

My heart racing, I scooted to the edge of my seat.

It seemed like everyone else around me was just as enthralled. ABCR seemed to rise to cosmic rock stature right before my eyes. A few bars of the tune, and I already knew that this song was destined to be a big hit.