“On another woman that might be true.” Barry’s voice deepened, and I felt it between my trembling legs. “On you, with your curves, it tantalizes. Makes even a best friend who should know better imagine caressing, shaping, and possessing every sexy inch of you.”

Suddenly hot, I swallowed hard, having no idea what to say.

Barry had never looked at me like this or spoken to me like that. Though I believed a woman had a right to dress any way she wanted, and that it was on guys how they responded, maybe it would be safer to put the coat back on. I certainly didn’t want Martin looking at me like my best friend was.

“Barry, you beast,” a brunette purred as she sidled up to him. “Come back and play with us some more. We’re lonely.” Pressing her ample tits into his arm, she gave me a dismissive look before glancing at a curvy redhead a few steps behind her.

“Right. Sure. I’ll be right there.” Barry shook his head before he returned his attention to me. His gleaming ebony hair dazzled, reflecting the dance floor’s flashing lights. “Gotta go.” He narrowed his eyes. “But for fuck’s sake, put the coat back on.”

“Okay,” I mumbled, watching him walk away.

The sight of Barry’s sexy stride and ass were worth the hurt of seeing him with other women. The brunette latched onto one of his arms, the redhead the other. When their annoying giggles drifted back to me, something cold and unpleasant jabbed me between my ribs. I rubbed at the sting, but the uncomfortable feeling didn’t go away.

I’m not jealous, I told myself.Barry is just a friend. I love Collin.

But I couldn’t drag my gaze away from Barry.

What’s wrong with me?

Long after he disappeared, I wondered.

“There you are, my dear,” Martin said as if he’d been looking all over the club for me, when I was sitting at our usual booth. He knew exactly where to find me.

His beautiful assistant hovered close. Without a word, she dutifully removed his camel hair coat and hung it on a nearby hook.

I stood, hoping like I did every weekend that he’d grow tired of me and go for his assistant instead. But alas, she scurried away, and Martin focused solely on me, sweeping a possessive gaze over me while adjusting the cuffs of his slim-fitting black wool suit. His eyes were the same light-absorbing color as his hair, suit, and shoes.

“I’ve been waiting here for you,” I said in a measured tone. I was ever cautious around him and always on guard. I’d taken the warning seriously he had given me all those months ago.

“As you should be.” His lips curved slightly.

I let out an exasperated sigh. Of course I was waiting for him. “You sent someone to fetch me when I arrived.”

“And here you are. So dutiful, and so stunning in that dress.” His eyes narrowed, and I wished it weren’t so hot in this section. I should have kept on my coat. “If I knew you were here waiting and looking like that, I certainly would have concluded my business sooner.” He reached for and took my hands. “Sit, my dear. Let’s talk, shall we?”

“Sure,” I said, even though I knew his question was a command, not a request. Returning to the leather sofa, I tried to pull my hands from his grip, but he didn’t allow it.

Watching me closely, he swept his thumb back and forth over my knuckles. “I so enjoy Fridays and Saturdays now here with you.”

He was clean-shaven, his grooming as impeccable as the rest of him. His light gray shirt was custom, and like his suit, it was precisely measured to fit his frame. He was a handsome man, a powerful one. But I didn’t experience any tingles from his perusal. Not with the predator-like stillness that clung to him like the fabric of his suit.

I felt cornered, trapped with him watching me with ravenous eyes. Martin Skellin seemed barely restrained, and I never knew when he would snap his leash. Would he decide to make me an immediate meal, or would he want to play with his food before he devoured it?

“Thank you,” I said, then attempted redirection. “I’m sure the reason you enjoy the weekends is because of ABCR.”

“That is a factor. The revenue they generate for Winston’s pleases me. However, let’s be sure to acknowledge that their success is your success, my dear.” He continued to stroke my skin, and I tried not to feel like his dinner.

“They’re the artists, not me.” I tried not to squirm, uncomfortable with both his touch and his praise.

“You represent them. You’re a consummate professional. It’s a pleasure doing business with you.” His gaze moved lazily to my chest.

“I don’t know about professional.” I crinkled my nose. “I haven’t even graduated from high school.”

“Age is no matter.” He licked his lips. “You’re confident, smart, and strong, and it’s certainly an added bonus that you’re not hard on the eyes.” He studied me intently. “Sexy and seductive wearing that dress.”

“Mr. Skellin.” I paused to swallow, needing to moisten my dry throat. “It’s not professional for you to comment on my sex appeal.”

Again, I tried to pull my hands free. This time, he surrendered them, but he and I both knew that I’d only gained my freedom because he chose to give it to me.