
Recognizing Barry’s voice, I lowered the heel of the stiletto I’d been about to plant on the step and turned to face him.

“Holy shit! What the hell are you wearing?” he asked, the muscles that his white tee and dark indigo jeans clung to flexing distractingly.

Yeah, I was getting tired of that question.

“A dress.” I gestured to myself. “A coat. And I also have a fancy new purse Miranda bought me.”

Barry scoffed. “Not enough material in that thing to count as a dress. Designer shit, I’ll bet. Who paid for that?”

“Miranda,” I said, and my answer seemed to ease his tension. I think he’d noted Martin’s fascination with me and had grown more concerned about it than Collin.

Barry’s deep brown eyes narrowed. “You never accepted gifts like that from her before.”

Desperate times. Desperate measures.

“A girl can accept a gift from a friend,” I grumbled. “And dress up some without everyone having to make a big deal out of it.”

“Other girls that aren’t you, maybe.” His black brows drew together. “And I’m not Collin, so don’t try to deflect me.”

“I know you’re not.” I sighed, stirring a few wisps of hair around my face, but it wasn’t audible over the music blaring through the sound system. I stepped closer to Barry. “I’m sorry I snapped at you.”

“It’s okay.” He ran his gaze over me a second time. “Man, you look sexy as fuck.”

He raked a hand through his thick black hair, looking uncomfortable as if he regretted saying that out loud. Shoulder-length now, his hair was tied back at his nape at school, but for performances it was loose and unrestrained like he was when playing his drums.

My best guy friend had gotten even more handsome over the past five months. He was older, and there wasn’t even a hint of boy in him anymore. He was a man, and with his bulging biceps, broad chest, and thick thighs from lifting weight more now, he was a lot of man. He towered over me. If I didn’t know him, I would have been intimidated.

“Thanks, I think.” I tilted my head, and his eyes followed the spill of my golden hair as it gathered over one shoulder.

“Collin already see you in that dress?” he asked.

“No, just the coat and heels.”

“Fuck me.” He rubbed the back of his neck as if it burned, his hand larger than Collin’s and roughened from drumming and his job at the garage.

Barry worked two jobs like I did. Sure, ABCR was a big deal now and had a following. A&R agents for record labels were making inquiries, but the five hundred bucks we got paid per performance now didn’t go far, split among four people after my ten percent.

“What’s that mean?” I stamped a hand to my hip, and his gaze dipped to my cleavage before returning to my face again.

“That dress is provocative, Addy.” He licked his lips, and my stomach fluttered. “A guy’s only thinking one thing when he sees you in it.”

I lifted my chin. “Maybe that’s what I want.” Or at least I did want one guy thinking that one thing. Barry mentioning it was surprising.

“Right.” His jaw tightened. “TMI for your best guy friend.”

“You brought it up,” I pointed out testily. “So I told you.”

“Just because ... well ... if I were you, I’d put that coat back on until Collin is with you again.” He leaned in. “You know?”

“No, I don’t know.” I pursed my lips. “I like wearing this dress. I think I look sexy.”

“More than.” Barry’s gaze ran over me again, and it felt sensual like a caress. “You’re too beautiful, too much temptation.”

My bestie had a dark glint in his eyes and a hungry growl to his voice that made my already shimmering skin tighten and my nipples tingle. That effect was amplified when he gathered the length of my hair that had spilled over my shoulder, sweeping it from front to back. His fingertips grazed the sensitive skin over my collarbone.

“You’re being ridiculous,” I lied, my voice husky. I didn’t think he was being ridiculous, and hoped he didn’t notice my shiver. “It’s just me, Addy, in a fancy dress.”