Reminding myself that Barry had never given me any indication he thought of me as anything else, I imagined dousing my growing awareness of him with a bucket of cold water before I began.

“Andy invited me to Winston’s Friday night. Well, Rachel, really. Collin was there too, of course, but I was just a means to that end. They’re starting a band.”

One of Barry’s brows inched upward. “That’s not what I expected you to say. Not what I heard, anyway.”

“About what?” I cocked my head.

“About the reason Collin wanted you at Winston’s.”

My stomach tensed. “Who said there was another reason?”


I jerked back my head. “When?”

“Guys talk, Addy. More than girls think.”

“Okay.” I could allow for that. “But—”

“Collin’s into you. Heard him talking in gym. Mentioned wanting to get in your pants.” Barry’s gaze trailed over me, making heat bloom beneath the snug denim of my jeans, heat that had nothing to do with Collin. “But he heard you’re not the kind of girl for casual hookups.”

Gazing up at Barry, I licked my dry lips. “I’m not.”

“Right, I knew that. But I just wanted to hear you say it.”

His gaze drifted to my mouth, and my cheeks blazed. We’d never talked about this sort of stuff before.

“So, I said it.” What was the temperature in this room? I was way too hot.

“So you did.” Barry framed one side of my face in his large, work-roughened hand. The sweep of his thumb over my skin made it shimmer like the sun was shining on it. “You should probably be up front with him about how you feel. What your expectations are, that kind of thing.”

“I don’t think I can do that.”

“Yes, you can.” His eyes on mine, he traced my slightly parted lips.

I had the sudden urge to dart out my tongue to taste him, but I resisted. If I crossed that line with Barry, I couldn’t uncross it. Going there with him, I would lose him as a friend.

“If he knows up front how you feel,” Barry said, “he might rethink what he wants.”

“More likely he’ll lose interest completely.” I bit my bottom lip. “Maybe I should—”

“Don’t change who you are, Addy.” Barry’s expression hardened. “Don’t compromise for any guy. Be yourself. You’re wonderful. Do you hear me?”

“I hear you.” My mouth flattening, I peeled his fingers away from my skin.

“I don’t mean to upset you.” He searched my gaze. “It’s just that I think the world of you. I don’t want you to settle for less than you deserve.”

“I understand.” I squeezed his hand and released it.

“You’re unique, Addy. Pretty. Strong. Smart. Special. Any guy should consider himself lucky to catch your eye.”

“Thank you, bestie.”

Barry nodded. “It’s the truth. So, we got a little sidetracked.” He inched closer. “Is there anything else you want to talk about since we’re alone? Maybe something sexy?”

His voice dropped and gravel rolled into it. I’d heard him use that tone when he was flirting. It was effective. The girls inevitably got dewy-eyed, and I found myself feeling that way.

Blinking away the haze, I said, “There is something else. The band that Andy, Collin, and Rachel are forming needs a drummer. I mentioned you.”