Martin had been livid when Barry had stopped by the apartment building on my birthday to try to see me. He’d only made it inside the lobby before he’d been turned away. I’d paid dearly for showing interest in Barry and the gift. Hopefully, Barry hadn’t suffered any consequences.

The collar had been my birthday present from Martin. His gifts were never really gifts, and I hadn’t mentioned Barry again until now.

I wanted to ask her if she could keep Barry’s gift safe for me. But why bother? I could never have it. Never see my friend. I was stuck with Martin—his prisoner, really—and would never be free.

“Why not?” she asked.

“I don’t want anything to do with Barry anymore,” I lied.

I didn’t mention the kiss, but I hadn’t forgotten it. Sometimes late at night when Martin was asleep, I thought about my best friend.

What if I had made a different choice after we’d almost kissed in the storage room? What if I’d revealed how much I’d wanted it? Wanted him? What if I’d left with him when he asked me to?

But that kind of thinking was a waste of time. I didn’t have choices anymore, and even if I did, everything was different now. Barry deserved someone better than me. I messed up everything I was a part of. ABCR. Collin and me. Even my friendship with Barry. I would mess up Rachel’s life too, put her in harm’s way, if I didn’t sever ties.

So, I severed my sisterly bond decisively, telling another lie. “I refuse to have anything to do with you if you go through with this marriage against my wishes.”

“I love him,” Rachel cried. “He’s who I want. Can’t you understand that?”

“I can’t,” I lied again. “I’m sorry.”

“I’m sorry too.” Rachel’s voice hitched as she sobbed. “We’ll just have to find another way to get permission from the court that doesn’t include you.”

What other way? Did she mean she was going to try to locate our father?

“Good-bye, Addy.”

• • •

“Focus, Addy.” Martin yanked on my arm, abruptly bringing me and my attention back to the present.

Oh yeah. We were at his parents’ house.

I stumbled, and he frowned at me. He didn’t like me to stumble, even if the reason I usually did was because he’d hurt me or given me something to make me more compliant.

Appearances like this one at his parents’ house were all that really mattered to him. I was just a trophy like his mom was for his dad.

There were so many warning signs about Martin that I should have heeded. But I hadn’t seen, hadn’t paid attention. I’d been so focused on the band, then reeling from my mother’s death, and after that, Collin. I’d let my hurt feelings guide my actions. I would never do that again, if given a chance to live my life free of Martin.

“It’s good to see you again, Addy,” Grace said politely when I came abreast of her on the front steps, but her expression didn’t match her words. “You look lovely.”

“Thank you,” I murmured politely. “So do you.”

“Come inside then,” Winston said, a paragon of pretention.

I was beneath him. No matter how obedient I was to his son, Winston would never accept me. It seemed to me he lived his life in a tower of sorts like mine. His wife, his son, his daughter, and me, we were all beneath him.

“Yes, do come in,” Grace said, echoing her husband’s command. “Let me take your wrap.”

“Thank you.” Obediently, I handed it to her.

She smiled as she took it. “I’m sure you’ll both be delighted to know that Miranda and Collin will be joining us for dinner.”

“Excuse me.”

My stomach contents lurching into my throat, I dashed past Martin’s mother and down the hall, heading straight for the downstairs powder room. I knew from previous visits where it was.

Thankfully, I made it inside the opulent chrome and marble half bath just in time.