Page 60 of Barbarian Brothers

“I love you more than life itself,” I tell Izzo as he positions me on top of Binzen’s cock, joined by his own gargantuan erection at my pulsating entrance.

“We love you to all three moons and back,” Binzen hisses as I slowly glide down his and Izzo’s cocks at once. They’re both inside me, stretching me into the realms of madness and filling me in ways I sorely, desperately missed.

“I… oh, God,” I moan sharply as they begin to move.

My pussy clenches, each nerve ending ablaze as their thick, veiny members go in and out, working me into what I know will be a devastating climax. I can already feel the tension swelling in my lower belly, my nipples hard as Binzen’s fingers pinch them.

Izzo kisses me hungrily, our tongues clashing as he and his brother fuck me deeper and harder, aided by the hot water around us. Every thrust brings me closer to the edge as I peer into my lovers’ crimson eyes, as I watch the fires beneath their dark lashes burning brighter and hotter.

“Oh, don’t stop… Fuck me harder, please,” I beg them, and they oblige.

Binzen’s fingers dig into my thighs, claws scratching as he holds me in place. He thrusts upward, faster, and deeper, while Izzo does the same from the front. The pool bubbles, steam rising asthe temperature spikes, as the love grass expands our senses.

I scream as I explode all over them, as they pound me into oblivion and spill their seed deep within me.

It’s been a long time coming, this ultimate surrender, this complete abandonment of self.

I’m fucked hard and fast, deeply, and intensely, until every fiber of my being becomes incandescent, the pleasure rumbling through me like a furious hurricane. Every breath of air I manage to take has the power to keep me afloat while my men claim me, possess me, over and over until the end of time.

We’ve come a long way since the day we first met.

We were strangers. Wary and curious. Yet our bodies knew precisely where this would end. I didn’t stand a chance, and neither did Binzen or Izzo. We belong together. And as we come down from the heavens, already prepared and eager for round two, I realize there truly is nowhere else I’d rather be.

The circle is closed now.

The only way for us is up.

Higher toward the sky. Higher above the enemy. And higher along the learning curve of life.



The human body is a fascinating super organism—or so Cynthia has repeatedly said over the past several months. My due date has arrived, and I am scared out of my mind. My baby bump is huge. I’m amazed by how much my own skin is able to deal with in order to hold this pregnancy for a full ten-month gestational period. I feel heavy and exhausted all the time, though. I’m eating for three and navigating some startling mood swings. But we’ve made it to this point. So there is hope.

But as the contractions burn through me, as my own flesh turns against me, as my child prepares to leave my body and enter this strange new world, I can’t help but feel worried. Terrified. Fearful that I might not survive what’s coming.

“You’ll be okay,” Cynthia whispers as Alicia and Jewel bring hot water and clean towels over to my bed. “I promise you, honey, you will be okay.”

“How do you know? It’s not like Sunnaite-human babies have been delivered before!” I croak just before another deep contraction hits me. I scream in agony as the pain surgesthrough my belly. I can feel my baby coming and wriggling his way out. “Oh, God, it hurts!”

“It’s supposed to hurt, honey, I’m sorry,” Cynthia says, checking my vitals again. “But I swear, you’re good. You’re riding this out like a champion. Your pulse is good, your blood pressure is where it’s supposed to be, your temperature is right.”

I cry as I come down from the contraction. The whole room spins as I tilt my head back, beads of sweat dripping down my forehead and cheeks. Alicia and Jewel keep wiping me down with wet towels, letting the water dry on its own to keep my temperature down.

“You’re going to get through this, my love,” Binzen says. He and Izzo are right by my side, both of them kneeling by the bed, both their hands clutching mine with every ounce of love and support they can give me in this moment.

Beyond the doors of this red stone house, the whole town of Mal waits breathlessly for a favorable conclusion. The healthy and safe birth of a hybrid baby. But it’s all still a mystery, a great puzzle we’re only able to decode one piece and one day at a time.

The cravings have been phenomenal. More than once, my two handsome and fierce men have had to go out into the desert to hunt down a black-tailed antelope, a creature endemic to the region and with the finest meat on its bones. Another time, they went far south along the river to pick up a basket full of lava berries, my second favorite food on Sunna. Even Kai and Maur have gone deep into the northeastern forests, dangerously close to Sky Tribe territory, in order to gather fire-flower tea leaves, which have numerous benefits for my pregnancy. I’ve been drinking it by the gallon.

“Oh, another one is coming!” I cry out, my core tightening for the waves of searing hot pain as my baby gets a couple of inches closer to birth.

Binzen and Izzo hold my hand, tighter and tighter, while my grip on theirs becomes stronger than an iron press. I can see the discomfort in their red eyes as they wince ever so slightly, but neither says a word. It’s nothing compared to what I’m going through, and they know it.

“I love you,” Binzen says. “You can do this.”

“You are stronger than most Sunnaite women, Amber,” Izzo adds with a warm smile. “We’ve got you. We’ve got you all the way.”