Page 108 of Where You Belong

“I’ve never pretended my life was easy,” he says quietly. “It’s just not anyone's business what I have or haven’t been through.”

Brice leans back in his chair. “Actually, I’m not sure I agree. You get paid to plow over other men for a living. Men in your line of work can be known for their erratic behavior, and withyour background, I’m not sure I’d be real comfortable with you spending time with–”

I cut him off right there. “Brice, no one is ever comfortable even when you’re fifty yards away. What would be interesting is to talk about how many times you’ve been caught with your pants down. Shall we discuss how many of those women were married, or should we skip those for the sake of time?”

Sean’s leg rests against mine, and it’s calming, protective, and reminds me that I’m not alone.

“Andrea,” my mother gasps. “What is wrong with you?”

Ax smacks his tray, and I hand him part of a roll to gnaw on.

“What’s wrong with me? Are you serious because I can’t tell?”I can’t deal with her. I just. Freaking. Can’t.

“Brice has been nothing but sincere and kind and has waited around for you to get your life together and see what is right in front of you.”

I let my head fall back to look at the ceiling rather than her. “What’s right in front of me? Him?” I point at Brice, not giving a single crap. “That’s what you want for me. A man who doesn’t understand boundaries and can’t keep his pants zipped.” I look at John and Bev apologetically, but the truth is the truth, and seriously, how can they not know?

“Andrea, I’m certain you’re mistaken. This is completely inappropriate.”

Blood pounds in my ears. I might go ballistic, but Sean’s large hand moves gently to my thigh. It’s only enough of a distraction to reel in my temper slightly.

“Oh, right. Just like I was mistaken when the label executive you arranged a meeting with slipped his hand up my skirt and invited me to escort him upstairs. I might have only been seventeen, but I’m not sure you can misunderstand a grotesque gesture like that, or maybe you just wanted me to ignore it.”

Sean’s hand tightens around my thigh, and I quickly slip mine underneath his to interlace our fingers, needing strength and confidence. His hold is gentle but firm, and it’s everything I need.

I stare at my mother. “That’s what you want, right? Be a good girl. Marry the man who looks the part but can’t keep his hands to himself.”

“Andrea, this is enough,” she hisses at me.

“You’re right. It is enough.” I move to pull Ax from his seat.

“I don’t know why you have to be like this.” She shakes her head. “You are so obstinate. Why do you continually choose to do everything you can to destroy your life? We’ve given you everything, and you’re just throwing it away.”

“Donna,” my dad says quietly, trying to step in.

I hold Ax to my chest. “It’s too bad that you’re so stuck in your own world that you can’t even see that you’re the one that’s doing the destroying.”

“All I’ve ever wanted for you was a good life,” she glares, her hands fisted on the table.

Ax starts to fuss, and I bounce, holding him close. “No, you’ve wanted me to have your life. That’s not what I want. I’m not you. I never have been. When are you going to see that?”

“You don’t have any idea what you want,” she spats. “You run around thinking your choices don’t affect anyone or have any kind of consequences?”

I see red and suck in a breath as Sean’s chair slides back like he’s done here.

“Come on. We’re leaving.” His tone is fierce, and it’s clear he’s not asking.

“You don’t think I understand consequences? Are you for real?” I feel myself coming undone and need to get out of here. I stand.

“It’s time to go,” Sean states, slipping his arm around me.

“Oh, I see. You’re going to run away,” she spits. “After everything we’ve done for you.”

“Donna,” my dad says again, but she continues.

Her face is red, and she’s unphased. “After everything we’ve given you. We took you in and–”

“Donna!” My dad’s hand comes down on the table, and Ax jumps in my arms and begins to cry.