Page 65 of Where You Belong

“I don’t know. I’m not sure there’s substance to the rumors. Rob is working on figuring that out without spooking them.”

“You have a season left on your contract after this, right? That doesn’t even make sense.”

I roll my neck. “I know, man. I mean, there are my injuries, but I’ve had a great season overall so far. They may be looking to help the defense out, but trading me? With how Morgan spun all these know they expect us to lead a certain non-scandalous lifestyle. I don’t think Ed McNeil believes what’sbeing said, but you and I both know it’s business. My face is plastered everywhere, and I’m being called every name under the sun. It isn’t good for business.”

“They’d be ridiculous to trade you unless they were getting a hell of a deal in return.”

“You know as well as I do that if these rumors are true, I can’t change a damn thing. I guess I’ll play next season somewhere and decide if I’m done.”

I can’t see him, but I know he’s thinking. “When you’re done, you need to come coach with me.”

I smile. “Well, keep a spot on the sideline warm for me.”

“Sean,” Shane says before I hang up.


“You’re not in deep shit with this woman. It sounds like it’s a really good thing you’ve found there. Don’t mess it up because you’re afraid of some silly idea about timing or that you have to have everything in your life figured out. Part of being with someone is figuring all of that out together. She sounds like she might be a good person to help you do just that.”

I push out a breath, thinking how, not that long ago, my growly brother didn’t even believe in love. “Thanks. Hug Maggie and the kids for me. I can’t wait to see you guys next week.”

I hang up and toss the phone down. Seeing them at the event next week will make it all the more special.

I think about what he said. Andie’s all of the things he described. He might be right about her being someone who can help me figure things out. The question is, is it possible I’m someone who could be all those things for her?

What I know is I may be hell-bent on trying because I already know when this event is over, I’m not going to want to let her go.

I throw caution to the wind and snatch my phone back up.

ME: Pick you up at 6 for the party.

ANDIE: I’ll just meet you there.

ME: No. I’ll pick you up.

ANDIE: Won’t people think it's suspicious if we show up together?

ME: Maybe…I don’t give a shit.

ANDIE: So we’re going to an important party, not giving a shit? Just want to be sure I put on the right attitude.

ME: Isn’t that your normal state of mind?

ANDIE: I didn’t know if there was some kind of required fake personality disposition for entrance with the Tiger elite.

ME: Andie, you couldn’t fake it if you tried.

ANDIE: You’re right. Maybe I should stay home and far away so I don’t offend anyone.

ME: Not a chance. I’ll be there at 6.

ME: Never stop doing that…being real.

This woman. I think I’m going to have to figure out a way to keep her and quite possibly make her mine…in whatever way she’ll have me.

Chapter 27