Page 15 of Going for Two


Gotcha. I didn’t realize you could get a positive test result that quickly. Unless it *was* a shotgun wedding after all?


Lol. No, this is definitely a “honeymoon baby.”

But to answer your first question, yes. Depending on when fertilization actually occurs, it’s possible to get a positive reading as early as eight dpo.


DPO = Days Past Ovulation?




You’re like the fertility awareness encyclopedia. We need to finish my FAM training.

For the sake of argument, is there a more accurate kind of pee stick? Like, the ones with lines vs the ones with words?


*smiling face with glasses emoji*

Definitely Pink Dye > Blue Dye

But the digital ones are pretty accurate too.


*‘The More You Know’ gif*

I take a short detour before returning to my class, stopping in the counselor’s office. “Hey Emma, mind if I swipe something from the girls’ supply closet?”

“Of course, take what you need,” she replies.

“Thanks! You’re a lifesaver.”

I slip into the storage area housing extra toiletries, scanning the rows of tampons and pads until I come across a case of pregnancy tests. I grab a pink-dye box and tuck it inside my jacket pocket before scampering back to class.

I manage to survive the rest of the day without getting sick again, though it’s only after I force myself to have a snack. Once my students are gone, I stuff the pregnancy test into my bag along with that perpetual stack of essays. It’s going to be an interesting night.




My eyes wateras I watch JD bring Tenley’s hand up to his mouth. He kisses the inside of her wrist tenderly, and her shoulders rise and fall as if she’s having to work harder to breathe. I’d never imagined an impromptu wedding could be this romantic, but I guess it’s all about the main-character energy. And the way this man is staring at my best friend so intensely that he has to be reminded they’re supposed to be here for an actual wedding and not just to adore each other in front of a live audience is just—ugh—chef’s kiss.

My view starts to get blurry, so I fish out a tissue from the bodice of my dress to blot my eyes. Then I glance over and notice Blake watching the bride and groom. His expression is serious, and I swear he’s fighting back tears, his chin even trembling a few times. He looks up and catches me studying him, and I expect him to turn away when his eyes meet mine, but he holds my gaze for a while.

My heart speeds up as I continue staring at him. There’s something different about him today, something resembling sadness and regret in his expression. I smile softly, and he returns the favor before turning back to hand JD the rings. Their interactions always warm my heart, and today is no different as Blake tries to hide his emotions in front of his little brother, even though JD is obviously touched by his sentimentality.

I’m not even supposed to be thinking about Blake, but here I am, concerning myself with his emotional state instead of witnessing the wedding I’ve been called in for. I figure he must be going through the full spectrum today, from happiness and pride to abandonment and loneliness. Since they lost their parents a few years back, Blake and JD have been all that’s left of their family, and now JD is moving on with his new instafam. And with Tenley and JD’s relationship having progressed so quickly, I imagine Blake hasn’t gotten enough time to adjust to the idea of being left behind.