I’ll figure out how to save him, but it won’t involve risking our queen. If I can’t even get her to Shadowfall Keep, then she is dead anyway.
Emrys asks, “So why do you look at her with stars in your eyes?”
I step into his personal space and double down on my lies. “I will not sacrifice Styx’s life for hers. The hive comes first.”
“Good.” Legion’s voice is flat as he watches the mortal wolfling. “Because this plan falls to pieces without you holding us together. You must not waver.”
I hate that he is right. For a moment, doubt flickers in my heart. Should I be risking everything when Willow casually walks side-by-side with another mortal, oblivious to the sleeping queen mere miles away? If she was ours, wouldn’t she be overcome with the desire to kill our current slaver queen?
Only one can exist in the same place at the same time. It is the reason we had Willow sent to Crystal City as a child. The desecrated place blocked her blooming scent as she matured. Maebh was oblivious until Willow landed in the center of that battle with the humans.
Whether she is our queen or not, we still need a mortal to save Styx. This will still work.
“You have nothing to worry about,” I reply curtly.
“Very well.” He sighs and turns to the arena. “Then you know who to call.”
The Pageant of Prowess is anticlimactic. It takes half an hour to march around the outskirts of the arena.Oohsandahhsripple through the crowd as we pass the buttress of each House. The Radiants cast their judgmental gazes on us, but the dragons unsettle me more. We don’t have them in Elphyne. We have monsters.
Monsters are generally mindless. The dragons have clever eyes.
The burning one hisses smoke at my troop. The unit breaks formation, crying out in fear. Snickers and squeals of excitement erupt as our humiliation entertains. The dragon twists on its perch, keeping a smoldering gaze locked on us like we’re tasty slabs of meat. I dart a look at my new friends. Peggy isn’t doing too well. Without her walking stick, she favors one leg heavily but shakes her head when she sees me slowing. She gives Bob a pointed look instead. He keeps stumbling because he can’t see well.
“Trade places,” I mumble to the man in the row behind me.
Before he can protest, I grab him and twist our positions. I do the same with another until I fall into step beside Bob. I stretch my arm and murmur, “Take my elbow.”
Chagrin crosses his expression, but it’s not directed at me. I expect he’s used to being independent. This whole situation would suck for him.
“No one will notice I’m helping,” I insist. “I’m walking too closely.”
His hand lifts, fumbles, then finds my elbow. “I used to be better than this. But now the shadows are darker. All I see are blobs of light and dark.”
Spectator squeals clash with a dragon’s growl on the other side of the arena. Is this pageant just an excuse to mock us as we run from magical predators ten times our size? I shouldn’t be surprised. It feels exactly like the sort of thing done here.
“Wish I could see it all,” Bob mumbles.
“The arena floor is dirt,” I relay, “and a few patches of grass. We’re surrounded by three tiers holding spectators amongst the trees around us. The architecture is truly interesting, completely blending nature and stone buildings. Reminds me of Delphinium back home. The elves there love working with wood. Although I haven’t been there since I was little.” I frown, annoyed that I’m rambling. “Anyway, the sky is still gray and dismal. Getting close to dark soon.”
He doesn’t respond, and I’m not sure I’m helping, so I fall silent. A few minutes later, he asks, “What else do you see?”
“On the second level, each fae House has a private box where their Radiants sit. Some of the fashion is ridiculous, if you ask me.”
“How so?” he asks with a chuckle.
“I swear a lady wears a mushroom hat, but all I see is a penis.”
Bob chokes as he holds back laughter.
“Sorry,” I mumble. “Don’t want to get you in trouble. I seem to be doing that a lot here.”
“It’s fine.” His volume drops. “You know, I’ve been thinking about this exhibition, and I have some theories. It’s odd that they suddenly allow mortals they usually banish. What if we’re all just being fattened up so they can eat us?”