But isn’t that how all marriages ended? Slowly? They never came to an abrupt halt. Bad decisions, no matter how small, piled on top of each other, would break down even the strongest of marriages.

“Lily is playing in her crib if you want to grab her. I’ll meet you in the car,” he told her, reaching for her suitcase. “Her things are already loaded. When I asked my assistant to cancel my appointments, I also asked her to have the staff set up a room with a crib and anything else we’ll need.”

A little piece of her melted as she realized how much thought he’d put into this trip. “Thank you.”

Before she could focus too much on how he was taking care of his family in all the right ways, Charlotte moved past him and headed to get Lily. The cooing from the nursery had her smiling despite the turmoil in her heart. This trip might be strained, and if things didn’t go well it might be the final straw in this marriage, but one thing was certain—Lily would not suffer. Nor would this baby she carried.

But, she vowed to herself, she’d go into this trip and the next several weeks with an open mind. Anthony had asked for ninety days and she was going to see what happened. Because she still loved him, she’d see where this led. But she also had to see a vast turnaround or they would have no foundation to stand on with their new beginning.

Lily’s crib sat on the farside of the room, beneath the colorful painting of the two little girls playing. When Charlotte had painted the image, she’d been hoping one day those would be her girls. She laid a hand over her flat stomach, hoping, wishing.

She looked down at Lily, who was lying on her back, chewing on a pink stuffed elephant without a care in the world. And that’s how Charlotte intended to keep Lily’s life. These babies would not worry about stability…no matter what the end result with Anthony was.

Charlotte’s childhood had never been stable. With her junkie dad and a mother who worked sometimes three jobs to support them, her upbringing was less than a Norman Rockwell painting. Added to that, when her twin sister had gotten sick and passed, Charlotte had been left feeling alone and abandoned. She’d vowed to always make sure her children knew love and stability.

“Hey, sweetheart.” Charlotte leaned in and picked up Lily, bringing the soggy animal with her. “You ready for a trip? Uncle Anthony has a special getaway planned for us.”

She checked the diaper, surprised to find it completely dry…and nearly falling off from the loose fit. Anthony had obviously tried to wrestle Lily into a dry diaper before the trip.

Charlotte suppressed a laugh at the image. He’d yet to master putting the diaper on without Lily screaming and his muttering how hard changing a diaper was.

She laid Lily down on the changing table and adjusted the tabs for a more secure fit.

“There we are, sweetheart,” she said, picking up the baby. “He tried, so we have to give him credit.”

The weight of the baby in her arms had her anxious for her own. She’d be lying if she didn’t admit she was nervous about miscarrying again. But how could she not be excited? Yes, the timing was terrible, and who knew what life this baby would come into, but was there ever a perfect time to become a parent? Considering that life was full of ups, downs and uncertainties, probably not.

When Charlotte met Anthony at the car, he opened her door and motioned. “After you,” he told her, taking Lily. “I’ll strap her in.”

Shocked, Charlotte stared as Anthony pulled Lily from her grasp and eased her into the car seat. He only struggled with the buckles for a minute before figuring it out, and Lily only whimpered for a bit while Anthony had her.

Maybe this trip would be good for all of them. Getting used to a baby was a big step, and time away from the media and the hubbub of their daily lives would be good for Lily.

“I think she’s adjusting well,” Charlotte said once Anthony got in and started the luxury SUV. “She seems happy.”

“She’s too young to know much else. I hate to say it, but she’ll never remember Rachel. And that may be for the best. At least she won’t have that heartache.”

Like the heartache he was feeling. The unspoken words hung in the air.

Tears pricked her eyes at the thought of her sister-in-law never experiencing all the things Lily would face in life.

“It just breaks my heart,” Charlotte whispered. “A child without her mother.”

Anthony’s hand reached toward her, hesitated and moved back onto the steering wheel. Turning her head to look out the window, Charlotte pretended that she hadn’t noticed the gesture. She wished he’d followed through. His touch, so warm, so familiar, was something she missed. Charlotte knew that if she and Anthony were going to have a chance at happiness, they’d have to weave their way carefully through the minefield of emotions.

She also had to steel herself. Being under the same roof with Anthony would test her willpower like nothing else.

For three months she’d lived without him. For three months she’d cried herself to sleep over a marriage she’d tried so hard to hold on to, but her wishes hadn’t been enough to keep it together.

“Hopefully, Lily will stay entertained with her teething book,” he said, cutting into her thoughts. “We can stop for a picnic lunch once we get closer to Tahoe.”

The image lifted her spirits. Charlotte turned back around, smiling. “Picnic? What did the cook make us?”

“Actually, I put together some sandwiches and stuff for us.” He threw her a glance and winked. “I have many surprises in store during our trip, and I’m doing it on my own. No staff.”

“I’m impressed,” she told him.

Charlotte was almost afraid to ask what his other surprises entailed. If she knew Anthony, he’d try to “surprise” her back into his bedroom. And heaven knew she’d love to be there, but she just couldn’t give in.

No matter how much her hormones were out of whack.


Once the picnic was over, they headed toward their home in Tahoe. And that’s how Anthony would always think of the six-thousand-square-foot getaway—theirs. They shared everything and would continue to do so because there was no way he would give in to a divorce after these ninety days. Divorce mean quitting, giving up, and he’d never been a fan of either one.

But if he played his cards right, Charlotte wouldn’t even consider leaving. He’d been married to her for so long, he knew what she liked and what he could say to make her smile, laugh…or follow him to bed.

Granted he hadn’t paid that much attention to her over the past few years because he’d been busy, but that passionate, desirable woman was still inside—he had no doubt.

He’d let monotony run his life, assuming Charlotte would always be there while he tended to other things. He’d gotten so caught up with work, then spending time with the Danes. He’d been so concerned with impressing other people that he’d forgotten to keep impressing his wife, to keep her from falling out of love with him.

Had she indeed fallen out of love?

He shook himself. She’d agreed to do this trip, hadn’t she? He refused to believe she’d completely given up.

And he knew she wasn’t totally unaffected by his touch. He hadn’t missed the way the pulse at the base of her throat quickened when he moved in close. And when he’d kissed her, her breath had caught a split second before she leaned into him.

Guilt struck him, constricting his heart. He knew his wife better sexually than emotionally. Oh, at one time he knew all the various levels of Charlotte, but now, well, now he wasn’t so sure.

He was confident, though, that when it came to life, Charlotte still loved the simple things. And even that simple kiss had heated him in places that only she could touch. She’d always had a simplicity about her. She had basic wants, needs, desires. He intended to fulfill each of those and more during their time away.

And there his mind went again to the sexual side of their relationship. Yes, they had amazing chemistry, but he wanted his wife to fall in love with him all over again. He wanted to win her heart, not just her body.

While in Tahoe, he had some surprises for her. He knew just what to do to get her to let her guard down and relax. That’s one of the reasons he’d asked the staff to give them privacy. Charlotte needed for him to get back to the basics of their marriage when it was just the two of them and life was simple. By simple, he meant that she’d never craved the limelight, never wanted to go out and have all the plastic surgeries that nearly every woman in Hollywood had. She was perfect the way she was…at least in his eyes. He’d never been into silicone br**sts, bee-stung lips or tattooed-on makeup.

Which was why he’d had this home built just a few years back. They’d actually only been to the home twice together since it had been built, now that he thought of it. Sad, considering he wanted this to be for them to enjoy, but she’d been making trips alone.

“So, I never asked about your appointment this morning.” He wanted her to talk, to discuss her life now. “How are things coming with the new medical wing at the Children’s Hospital?” he asked, unable to handle the silence any longer.

“Quicker than I’d anticipated.” She continued to stare out the side window, but at least she was talking to him. “We’re hoping to have the ribbon-cutting ceremony in a couple of months.”

“I’m sure they appreciate all you do for them,” he told her.

On a sigh, Charlotte turned in her seat. “Anthony, you don’t have to pretend to be interested in my volunteer work. There’s no need to have strained conversations during this trip.”

He shrugged. “I wasn’t straining for a conversation. I legitimately wanted to know about your work and the wing. What you do isn’t just important to you. I do care.”

From the corner of his eye he saw her study him. He waited for her to say something.

“You’ve never seemed interested before.”

Risking a glance her way, he saw confusion on her face and cursed himself for being so self-absorbed. “A mistake I hope to rectify. I want to know what you do with your time when I’m gone. I’m proud of you, Charlie.”

She turned to look back out the window, but not before he heard the hitch in her breath.

“Something wrong?” he asked after another moment’s silence.

“I’ve waited to hear you say that.” Her voice cracked. “For years, I’ve wanted you to take an interest in what I do, to understand how important it is to me.”

She turned to face him. “I know you want to try, but I’m scared, Anthony. I can’t take more hurt if this doesn’t work out. Right now I can’t promise anything beyond these ninety days.”

He let the matter drop, but there was no way in hell he’d ever give up. If it took letting her think she was in control, then so be it. But he knew in his heart that he had to take back the reins of this relationship or he’d lose her forever.

Had he had that epiphany years ago, perhaps he wouldn’t be in this situation—an instant parent with a wife volleying between confusion and divorce.

No way would he settle for a divorce. He’d never thought she’d leave him. He’d never considered the fact. He knew they had their share of problems, but what married couple didn’t?

Obviously, the problems were bigger than he’d thought and the tabloids had picked up on that turmoil and run with it. They’d accused him of sleeping with his previous assistant, which had never happened. Mia had been more like a sister to him than anything. She was one amazing assistant, and he’d hated when she’d quit to go work for Olivia Dane. It was pure coincidence that he’d discovered Olivia was his birth mother around the same time. And pure bad luck that Mia had stumbled onto that information. He’d asked her to keep it to herself, which she had, but it couldn’t have been easy.

But it turned out Olivia had known about him and kept tabs on him through the years. It warmed his heart to know that she’d watched his career grow.

His one-time hatred of her son, now his brother, Bronson Dane, had to have been a heavy burden on her. Anthony wouldn’t go so far as to say he and Bronson were friends now, but they were civil to each other and Anthony was hoping for a miracle as far as this family was concerned.

Bronson and Olivia were getting ready to begin working on Olivia’s biographical film, depicting her life from her early films to her final one. She had grace and elegance like no one else, and her timeless beauty made her the most famous Hollywood icon ever.

And Anthony was champing at the bit to be the director.

“What are you thinking?” Charlotte asked, pulling him from his thoughts.

“About Olivia,” he answered, telling only part of the path his thoughts had traveled. “Just wondering how she handled all the public animosity between me and Bronson over the years. It couldn’t have been easy on her.”