He surged to his feet, raking a hand through his hair. “You don’t get it. I don’t care about the film, Charlie. I want you back. I left the project because I wanted to focus on us. Even though you swore we were through, I knew if I just left completely and focused on the children, you’d come around and we could…I don’t know. Start over.”

Warmth, love and hope spread through her.

“You quit to focus on being a father?” she asked.

“I didn’t know any other way to get your attention and prove to you how sorry I am than to put my sole focus on the children…and hopefully, you.”

Charlotte’s heart broke at the sacrifice he’d made, but she also couldn’t help but think that maybe she’d pushed him too far.

Closing the gap between them, she placed her hands on the sides of his face. “I want you to call Bronson and tell him you want back in. Then I want you to go to my car and get my suitcase because I’m coming back home.”

His hands slid over her baby bump as a smile spread across his face. “Are you sure? Can we really do this?”

“I want you to do what you love,” she told him. “I don’t want you to do what I want you to do. You can’t live your life just for me.”

“Oh, Charlie,” he whispered, kissing her lips softly. “I can live my life for you and these babies. I’ll do whatever I can to keep all of you happy.”

“Then get back in this project and keep this film in the family.”

He kissed her again. “Because family is everything.”


Anthony had tripped over dolls, spilled a sippy cup of apple juice down the front of his shirt and gone through all the wipes in the diaper bag when Lily had had her major explosion in her diaper.

But he wouldn’t trade these moments for anything, even if they were all taking place on the set of the upcoming film.

He sat down in his director’s chair and watched her play at his feet.

It wouldn’t be long before his own little girl arrived.

“Sorry I’m late.” Charlotte breezed in and stepped over the cords running along the concrete floor. “I tried to leave, but Hannah loves to talk.”

“I take it the interior designing went well, then?” he asked, coming to his feet to kiss her cheek.

“Beautifully.” Charlotte beamed. “She’s starting immediately in the guest room on the other side of Lily’s and she had some great ideas.”

Anthony bent down to pick up Lily. “We’ve had a great time learning all about the set of movies.”

With a laugh, Charlotte ran a finger over his damp, stained shirt. “I see that. Was she too much trouble? I really wouldn’t have minded taking her with me.”

“She was fine,” he assured. “I’m thrilled I can bring her here. Movies will be in her blood. Who knows? She may be directing our lives when we’re older.”

Charlotte rubbed her protruding belly and he couldn’t help but smile. How lucky was he not only to be given a second chance but to have two children to complete his family?

“So she’s going to direct biographies?” Charlotte asked with a sly grin.

Anthony wrapped an arm around her waist and hugged her to his side. “More like romance.”

“I love you, Anthony.”

“I know you do.” He kissed her forehead as he held Lily on his hip. “I love you more each day.”

“Would you like to show me around?” she asked.

Anthony stepped back. “Seriously?”

“Why not? I’ve never visited your set before. I’d like to be part of this. You took so much interest in my volunteer work. I think it’s important for us to support each other.”

The therapist had agreed, too.

“I’d love to show you this side of my life.” He took her hand and led her through. “Watch the cords.”

Just then she tripped. Lightning-fast reflexes had him wrapping an arm around her to support her while keeping Lily on his other side.

“My balance is a bit off with this extra weight in the front,” she joked. “Thanks for catching me.”

“Always, Charlie.” He gazed into her eyes and smiled. “I’ll always be here to catch you.”