“You’re too kind to tell me I’m interrupting your work.” With a smile, Olivia took a seat and uncapped her water. “I hear you’re the woman behind all the wonderful things at the Children’s Hospital.”

Not wanting to take all the credit, Charlotte simply smiled. “I don’t know if I’m the only woman behind it, but I do work with a great group to make sure our children have the best medical care, no matter what their financial circumstances.”

Olivia took a sip—a woman like that didn’t gulp. “Children are obviously an important part of your life.”

Because cramps had woken her up and just the thought of something happening to the baby had her scared, she’d come downstairs to call the doctor’s office and leave a message. When he’d called her back, he’d assured her that cramps were normal, but she should probably take it easy just to be sure and to call if the pain increased or if there was any bleeding.

Exiting the program she wasn’t even focused on before the interruption, Charlotte nodded and closed the computer. “They are. I’ve met some amazing kids through my work at the hospital and I’m eager to see this new wing that’s opening.”

“You have an amazing kid yourself, too.”

Charlotte smiled. “Lily is wonderful.”

Olivia reached across and laid her hand over Charlotte’s. “It’s okay to be nervous. I know you and Anthony have had some issues and now you have this baby to care for, Rachel’s death to mourn and a baby on the way. Is there anything I can do?”

Charlotte shouldn’t be surprised that Olivia knew about their marital problems, but she was surprised at how well the woman managed to figure out emotions that Charlotte wasn’t even sure she was feeling.

“I won’t lie and say it hasn’t been a difficult few years for us,” Charlotte told her. “But we are working on this marriage, and the trip to Tahoe really helped steer us back in the right direction. He was shocked over the pregnancy, but I think he’s excited, too.”

A slight laugh escaped her as she looked down to her closed laptop. “I’m sorry, this is just all a little surreal for me.”

Olivia pulled her hand back, clasped her water bottle and tilted her head. “What’s that, my dear?”

“I’m sitting here with one of the most iconic women in movies, wearing pajamas at midnight and pouring my heart out as if we’re at some adult slumber party.”

Olivia laughed. “I never had a slumber party as a child, so I’m honored to have my first one with my beautiful daughter-in-law.”

Charlotte’s throat clogged with tears. “You think of me as your daughter-in-law?”

“Well, of course.” With a warm smile, Olivia eased forward in her chair. “I may have just come back into Anthony’s life, but we’ve embraced this mother-son relationship and I consider you just as much my family as Mia.”

Charlotte let out a watery laugh. “You don’t know how much that means to me, Olivia. I’m not sure if you know my family background…”

“I know enough to know you need family just as much as Anthony right now.” Olivia reached for Charlotte’s hands. “I know you grew up with less than comfortable means, and I know you had a sister who passed of leukemia. I think that combination is what has made you the strong, humble woman you are today. The work you’ve done with the Children’s Hospital is beyond remarkable. You have seriously risen above your past and made something of yourself and, by doing so, you’ve blessed so many lives.”

Charlotte sank back in her seat, unsure how to react to the facts Olivia knew and the compliments she so easily doled out.

“I’m surprised Anthony told you all that,” Charlotte said, more thinking aloud than asking Olivia for an answer.

Olivia patted her hand. “Actually, when he told me he was praising you. He was upset over the separation and was telling me how he was going to fight for you because he needed you and he felt you needed him and a family. I apologize if my knowing makes you uncomfortable.”

“Not at all,” Charlotte told her. “I just didn’t know he’d opened up to you about our marriage. He used to be so closed off, so private.”

“Yes,” Olivia agreed. “But you are good for him, Charlotte. More than you know. You two are going to make a wonderful family, no matter what your past—or his.”

“I hope so, but it was my background that nearly ruined our marriage,” Charlotte confessed. “Anthony wants to give me all that I never had. Beautiful houses, nice cars, trips around the world. But it took him a while to see that I just needed—”

“His love,” Olivia finished.

Charlotte nodded. “Yeah. He’s certainly spoiled me with everything I could ever ask for, but for years I seriously felt as if I was getting shoved aside for another project, each one bigger than the last.”

“His heart was in the right place. His head obviously was not, but he did want to give you a secure life.”

Charlotte knew this, knew Anthony loved her and had never strayed from their vows. She knew his heart had always been with her. Unfortunately, it had taken quite a turn of life-altering events to get him to realize his priorities were in the wrong order and needed to be reshuffled.

“That secure life and knowing how much we love each other is what is helping us get our marriage back on track.”

Olivia smiled. “I was married to the love of my life for over thirty years before he passed. There’s nothing better than spending your life with the one person who makes you complete, who knows you better than anybody and who would change his life to make yours perfect.”

Olivia came to her feet, kissed the top of Charlotte’s head. “Anthony may not be the best when it comes to juggling work and family, but I know he loves you and I’ve seen how committed he is to his family. I’ll say it again. You’re one blessed woman, Charlotte.”

Once Charlotte was alone again, she folded her hands together and rested her head against them. Love swelled inside her for the family she had now with Anthony’s birth mother and sister.

Yes, she was a blessed woman. And in a few weeks, when Lily was permanently theirs, they could move forward with their life and concentrate on the upcoming birth of their own child.

Charlotte prayed for that day to come as she rubbed the cramp away low in her belly.


Anthony had just hung up the phone when his mother entered his office.

“Hey, come on in.” He came to his feet and moved around the oversized mahogany desk, easing a hip onto the edge. “I was just coming to see where everyone was.”

Olivia took a seat in the leather club chair opposite his desk. “Charlotte is busy getting Lily down for a nap, Victoria is on the phone with Mia and I wanted to talk to you.”

Anthony grinned. “Well, since I’m too old for the birds and the bees talk, what do you have to discuss that you sound so serious?”

Olivia smiled, crossing her legs. “Nothing near as fearful for a mother as the sex talk. This subject is much more approachable. Bronson and I have been talking, and he’s asked me to discuss something with you so he can concentrate on Mia and the baby. He’s a little busy right now.”

To say the least. That’s what had Anthony’s stomach in knots, too. The great Bronson Dane was busy juggling his work and one child. How would Anthony do with two babies while repairing a marriage?

One day at a time, he told himself. He just had to concentrate on keeping his family together one day at a time so they could turn that one day into a lifetime.

Anthony focused back on Olivia. He knew what she was going to say. She was going to bring up the film that he’d been champing at the bit to direct. The film depicting the life of Olivia Dane through the decades of her remarkable career.

“I’m sure you know that Bronson is producing my biographical film. We’ve only recently finalized the draft of the script and the budget, and we’d love you to consider directing it.”

As if any director would turn down an opportunity like this, let alone the son of the woman the movie was about. He’d been waiting for this moment, been dreaming of it. Since finding out Olivia was his mother and since Bronson had decided to do a film, he’d been aching to be part of it.

He truly had it all now.

Anthony reached out, taking Olivia’s hands. “It would be an honor to work with my family on this film.”

Her smile stretched across her face. “It really will be a family affair. Victoria is planning on doing the wardrobe designs, though she’s never done that for a film before.”

Anthony could barely contain his excitement, his relief to know that they trusted him to work on such an important film. Granted, he was one of the top directors in Hollywood, but it hadn’t been that long ago that he and Bronson couldn’t even be in the same room. Now they were half brothers and getting ready to work on a film together.

How would Charlotte react? Would she be excited for him? Would she want to come on set with him to see how things are done? He’d always wanted her to, but she had never seen him at work.

Maybe this time she would. Maybe with these new steps in making their marriage a joint effort, she’d accompany him, especially since the film was so close to his heart.

“I know you’ll want to discuss this with Charlotte,” Olivia went on. “You can let me know for sure later. Besides, Victoria and I really do need to get on the road. We both have so much work to do, but I hate leaving Lily.”

Anthony laughed, tugging on Olivia’s hands to pull her to her feet. “I’ve already been replaced, huh?”

She settled one perfectly manicured hand on his cheek. “Never. You’re my first child—you could never be replaced.”

Looking down into his mother’s eyes, he couldn’t help but wonder how hard it must’ve been for her to give him up. He couldn’t imagine giving up the baby he and Charlotte had created, or Lily.

“I’m really lucky to have you in my life now,” he told her, kissing her on the cheek. “I’ll talk to Charlie, but I know she’ll be happy with this decision.”

Olivia squeezed his hand. “Just make sure she’s part of your decision making, darling. Marriage is a two-way street.”

That was something he should’ve realized long ago, but a basic fact he was learning the hard way.

“I promise to spend this evening talking with her about it and I will call you tomorrow.”

“I may be at Bron and Mia’s house,” she told him as she turned to leave the office. “I promised them I’d babysit while they went out for the day. Why don’t you take a little more time to make sure this is something you can handle right now with everything else you have going on.”

His answer would still be the same if he thought about it for months.

“I don’t intend to take on more than I should, especially now that I have another chance with Charlotte and a new family.” He followed her out into the marble foyer. “Why don’t you call me tomorrow when you’re done with babysitting? We can discuss further details and my decision.”

Olivia nodded. “Perfect.”

* * *

Charlotte had just slid between the crisp, cool sheets when Anthony emerged from the adjoining bathroom. Wearing only black boxer briefs, he never ceased to make her heart beat faster and her body react to his sexy appeal.

Especially now that her hormones were ramped up about 200 percent and they were really working on this marriage and actually talking and opening up. Nothing was more erotic than a man baring his soul.

She pulled the edge of the sheet back on his side, inviting him to join her. She’d put on her favorite navy blue silk chemise, and even though it had pulled just a bit around her belly, she didn’t think he’d even notice. She had actually smiled when she’d slid the unforgiving fabric on. This was the first thing that was a bit snug around her midsection.

She prayed her belly continued to grow, though, because the alternative was inconceivable. She’d been cramping slightly every day, but the pain hadn’t grown any worse. Still, that fear had lodged deep within her.

“Do you think we could take another trip before this baby comes?” she asked as he settled in beside her.

The coarse hair on his thigh rubbed her bare one. The simple contact had her remembering the short few months when she was sleeping alone, missing his warmth beside her, longing for just one more intimate touch.

“Absolutely,” he told her, picking up her hand, kissing it and laying it on his lap. “When and where?”

“Anywhere is fine. I was thinking after the court date we could have a nice extended vacation to celebrate.”