“My mind wandered,” she told him, handing Lily another block. “Every time I’m playing with her or rocking her, I think of Rachel. I feel sick knowing she’ll never see this sweet baby grow up. Then I wonder how you’d get along with Lily and our baby if something happened to me.”

Anthony put an arm around her, squeezing her close against his side. “Dry those tears, Charlie. We are the happiest we’ve been in a long time.”

“You haven’t talked about Rachel very much.” Charlotte nestled her head against his shoulder, breathing in his masculine scent, relishing his strong, secure hold. “I worry that you keep so much bottled inside, Anthony.”

He kissed the top of her head. “I think of her nearly all day. I’m sad Lily won’t know how loving her mother was, but what we can do to make sure Rachel’s legacy lives on is to talk about Rachel and show Lily pictures as she gets older. I definitely want Rachel to be part of this.”

Charlotte’s heart melted. “I couldn’t agree more. Lily needs to know how much her mother wanted her, how much she was loved.”

Lily tossed a wet, slobbery block that bounced right off Anthony’s forehead.

“Well, at least she’s got good aim,” he laughed. “Maybe she’ll be a softball player.”

Charlotte laughed through her tears, thankful for the life she’d been given.


“Oh, my darling. Let me see that baby.”

Charlotte stood at the base of the steps holding Lily when Olivia, the Grand Dane herself, barely had taken a step into their Hollywood Hills home. The woman was even more beautiful than the movies had made her out to be. She was stunning, classy and overly thrilled to be called “Grandma.” Quite a juxtaposition.

“Come on, Lily Bug,” Anthony said, taking the excited baby from Charlotte’s arms and handing her over to his mother. “She’s a bit squirmy today.”

Olivia’s face lit up as she took the baby. “Oh, I love her. She’s just the sweetest little angel. Yes, you are.”

Charlotte smiled and cautiously moved forward when Anthony extended his hand to her. This was what she’d missed growing up. Togetherness, the bond that comes from unconditional, familial love.

“I’m so glad you could come, Mrs. Dane.”

Olivia waved a hand. “Oh, call me Olivia, darling. We’re family, for heaven’s sake.”

Just then the door opened once more and a stunning beauty stepped in. “Sorry. I had to finish that call,” Victoria said, sliding her phone into her designer handbag.

Charlotte stepped forward and smiled. “Welcome to our home. If you’d like to come into the living room, Anthony can get your bags.”

“Sure thing.” He closed the gap and gave Victoria a kiss on her cheek. “You can hold Lily if you can get her away from Olivia.”

Victoria looked over to her mother, who was cooing with silly puckered lips. “Oh, I’ll get her away,” she assured. “I have to hold that baby.”

Charlotte led them into the open living area where one entire wall was filled with floor-to-ceiling windows and glass double doors to allow any guest to enjoy the beautiful view of the lush flower gardens. Charlotte had always worked very closely with the groundskeepers and prided herself on maintaining the gardens with a tropical feeling.

She had no reason to be nervous with Olivia and Victoria staying here. Anthony had invited them to spend the weekend as a family and Charlotte thought that was a great idea. To see him embracing every aspect of his family, trying to mold the two sets together, really warmed her heart. He had taken a giant leap from living and breathing movies to becoming a family man. She wanted him to be able to do both, but she was certainly relieved that he’d opened his eyes to the fact that his career had become an obsession.

“This is just gorgeous,” Victoria said, running her hand along the marble mantel. “I’m thinking of renovating my home and I’ve been looking at some marble chips.”

Charlotte came to stand beside Victoria. “I love this shade of gray. It’s dark enough to look black, but soft enough not to be so harsh.”

“You are too precious. Yes, you are.”

Charlotte and Victoria looked at each other and laughed at Olivia’s baby talk across the room.

“My mother has wanted a baby in this family forever,” Victoria added. “Between Lily and Bella, Bronson and Mia’s baby, the heat is off me for a while.”

Charlotte forced herself not to touch her stomach. They didn’t know about the pregnancy yet, and since this was Anthony’s family, she’d let him decide when to make the happy announcement.

“Do you want children?” Charlotte asked, then realized she’d always hated when people asked her that. “Sorry, that’s not really my business.”

Victoria reached over, patting her arm. “No need to apologize. I’d love to fill my house with babies. I just have some career goals I’d like to accomplish first.”

Charlotte glanced over to Lily, Olivia and Anthony. “We’ve only been her guardian for a few weeks, but she’s certainly changed our lives. I love her so much.”

“This little sweetie would be impossible not to love.”

Olivia held Lily up in the air, puckered her lips and made even more silly noises.

Victoria laughed and leaned over to Charlotte. “If you want to do anything at all, like take a few hours and read a book or go shopping, do it while my mother is here. She will do everything for this baby. You and Anthony could leave the house and she wouldn’t even notice.”

Watching Olivia with Lily gave her a sense of belonging. Lily wasn’t related to Olivia in any way, shape or form, but the woman had instantly taken to her as if she was her very own.

This bond the Dane family had wasn’t just a show for the media and the paparazzi. They were genuine and caring and perfect for her and Anthony at this stage in their lives. Perfect for the baby she carried and for Lily.

“Would you two like anything to drink or eat?” Charlotte asked, feeling that she should at least offer something to her guests. “I made some banana muffins earlier and I was thinking of grilling fish for dinner.”

Olivia threw her a glance and smiled. “Darling, sit down. We don’t need to be waited on.”

“Nothing for me, thanks.” Victoria moved to sit on the sofa, obviously trying to get to Lily. “I snacked the whole way here and I need to stop that. I get the munchies when I’m creating a new design.”

Feeling more relaxed with Anthony’s new family, Charlotte sat next to Victoria on the sofa. “What are you working on? Can I ask?”

“Oh, I don’t mind talking shop,” Victoria told her, crossing her long legs and easing back onto the cushions. “I’m in the middle of drawing up a few wedding gown designs for my friend Stefan. He’s the prince of Galini Isle, a small island country off the coast of Greece, and since this will be for the princess and soon-to-be queen and I’ve never designed wedding dresses, I’m a little nervous. I’ve never met his fiancée, so that’s why I’m working on several choices for her.”

Olivia, still bouncing a happy, giggly Lily, said, “Oh, you have no reason to worry. They wanted the best and they’ve got her. Your gowns are unique and exquisite. Besides, you and Stefan go way back, honey. He wouldn’t have asked if he had any doubts.”

Victoria sighed. “I hope the bride is happy with Stefan choosing the designer, Mom.”

Charlotte couldn’t imagine designing for royalty. She couldn’t even imagine knowing royalty. Talk about glamorous.

“I’m sure other designers will have copies of your gown within days after the ceremony,” Olivia added. “You’ll be busier than you already are. One of these days you’re going to have to slow down.”

Anthony sat up straighter on the arm of the sofa and laughed. “Slow down? Is that Olivia Dane giving advice on slowing down?”

“Exactly,” Victoria chimed in. “She’ll never work at anything other than warp speed.”

Anthony glanced across the room and winked. Charlotte nearly melted. He looked so happy, so bright with his family here.

He’d asked her to give him ninety days until the hearing for Lily’s permanent guardianship, but Charlotte knew after their weeks away in Tahoe they would last much, much longer than three months.

And she couldn’t wait until the hearing so Lily was legally and permanently theirs.

“Would you like to tell them our news?” Anthony asked during a lull in the conversation, still smiling across the room.

Charlotte swallowed as both women turned to look at her. “Why don’t you?”

“We’re expecting,” he said proudly. “Should be a spring baby.”

Olivia squealed with delight, causing Lily to squeal as well and clap her hands. “Oh, I wanted grandbabies so badly and here I’m going to have three within one year. I am a blessed woman.”

Victoria leaned over and hugged Charlotte. “That’s wonderful. How are you feeling?”

Charlotte couldn’t get over the way these women were talking with her as if they’d known her forever and they were very eager to hear about her life. Did they know about the separation she and Anthony had had for several months? If they did, they were being very discreet and noble about it. Thank God, because she really wanted to move forward and celebrate their marriage and babies.

“I’m okay. I get a little queasy in the evenings, but nothing in the mornings, as the books say.”

“I remember when I was pregnant with Anthony,” Olivia said, settling back into the chair and turning Lily to face outward on her knee. “I never felt better. I thought pregnant women were just complaining to get attention. I found out differently when I got pregnant with Bronson and Victoria. I was sick the entire time with both pregnancies.”

Charlotte inwardly groaned at the thought of being sick and nauseous for months.

“I can’t wait to have another baby to spoil,” Olivia went on.

Victoria laughed. “You’ve already spoiled Bella and she’s only a couple months old. Her room looks like FAO Schwarz set up shop.”

Charlotte laughed and glanced at Anthony, who just smiled. Something passed between them. Something private and…wonderful. His smile widened as his gaze dropped to her belly and back up to her eyes. He mouthed “Love you” and Charlotte’s smile widened as she tapped her heart.

She was so glad Anthony’s family was here. Victoria and Olivia may be stunning women who hailed from the land of perfection, also known as Hollywood, but these women were down-to-earth and seemed very genuine.

Settling a hand over her stomach, Charlotte was thankful her baby would have such amazing women in its life.

“Well, I hate to steal your thunder, but I have some news of my own,” Victoria announced.

Charlotte laughed. “You’re not stealing our thunder at all. We’d love more good news.”

Reaching into the pocket of her slimming black capris, Victoria pulled out a ring and slid it on. “Alex and I got engaged two days ago.”

Charlotte stared at the glittering diamond. “Oh, that’s so wonderful. I’m so happy for you.”

Anthony glanced to his mother. “Since you’re not squealing, I assume you knew?”

Olivia took her eyes off Lily and tilted her head. “Anthony, really. I’m her mother. I was the first person she called.”

“Congrats, Victoria.” Anthony moved over to give her a hug. “Is this Alex Stone? The actor, right?”

Victoria beamed. “Yes. He’s only been in a few movies, but he’s really amazing.”

Charlotte couldn’t believe how much love and happiness surrounded her—she felt blessed. Anthony had such a secure family, and Charlotte had no doubt this newly formed connection would last a lifetime. She was extremely fortunate to be included in that bond.

Most people didn’t get second chances, but she and Anthony had found their way back. With the help of talking to a counselor and Anthony reprioritizing his life, they were going to make it. She had no doubt.

* * *

“Insomnia was always my friend when my life was less than stable.”

Charlotte glanced up from her laptop, which she’d set up in the breakfast area off the kitchen. Clad in black silk pajamas with matching slippers, Olivia removed a bottle of water from the refrigerator and moved over to the table.

“May I have a seat, dear?” Olivia asked, her perfectly manicured hand resting on the back of the wooden chair.

Charlotte had a feeling not many people told the Grand Dane of Hollywood no, so she gestured for her to sit. “Of course.”