The open, walk-in shower left the entire bathroom visible to him without the barrier of a glass door. With textured tiles and a number of nozzles dotting the three walls, this shower had been made with just this purpose in mind—to make love to his wife with the feel of being in the open. The mirrors directly across from the shower only provided an even more erotic backdrop.

Too bad he hadn’t taken advantage of this getaway home more often with her. He planned to rectify that from now on.

He turned to face the open side as Charlotte stared at him from across the room. Still clad in only her bikini and the sheer wrap around her rounded hips, she set the baby monitor on the counter and tilted her head.

“Looks like enough room for me,” she said with a smile as she reached behind her back and untied the straps of her bikini top.

With a flick of her wrist, she sent the material soaring across the room to slap against his bare, wet chest. He caught the garment and smiled.

“Plenty of room,” he assured her.

She shimmied out of her wrap and bottoms and moved toward him. He didn’t even try to hide how he was devouring her with his eyes, much the way he intended to do with his hands and mouth in seconds.

At the edge of the lip to the shower, Charlotte hesitated and looked into his eyes once again. “I’ve needed this. Us together like this.”

“Me, too,” he told her, extending his hand to help her over the short tiled edge. “I just was blind and couldn’t see how desperately I needed you. You brought me to my knees and I’m a stronger man for it.”

Her delicate hand slipped into his as she stepped up next to him, her lush body instantly wet, instantly molded to his own. He put everything else, even the pregnancy, out of his mind. For now he just wanted Charlotte. The outside world didn’t exist. But the need, the desire he had for his wife, the woman who could make him turn his life around, couldn’t wait.

“I’ve missed you,” he whispered, raining kisses over her bare shoulder. “Last night was amazing, but let me show you again how much I need you.”

Her hands came up to frame his face, forcing him to look her in the eyes. “I can’t wait,” she told him.

Too bad.

“Always in a rush.” He cupped her hands with his own. “This is a new beginning for us and I’m taking my time. From now on, I’m devoting my time to you, to this family.”

Her eyes darted down, her teeth worried her bottom lip. Anthony bent down, capturing those lips with his. He pulled their hands between their bodies, letting the hot water wash over them as he claimed her mouth.

“Trust me,” he murmured against her lips. “Trust this. Happiness from here on out.”

With a brief nod, she stood on her tiptoes to take his mouth again. Anthony let go of her hands; he had more important body parts to explore. Holding hands could be done in public. What he had in mind couldn’t.

His hands roamed over her hot, wet skin as she pressed herself further against him. She was trying to kill him, but he would remain in control here and they’d both benefit in the end.

Backing her against the tile, he took her hands and held them above her head, easing back to gaze down into her eyes. Droplets ran down her face, the long column of her throat and disappeared in the valley between her br**sts. He couldn’t wait to lick those droplets off and make her writhe beneath him. Nothing could pull him from this moment, unless the baby began screaming through the monitor.

“Touch me, Anthony.”

He smiled. “I am. For the first time in a long time, I’m going to touch every part of you. Starting with your heart.”

With a gentle kiss to her lips, he made good on the promise to himself to follow those droplets running the course of her lush body. He worked his way from her jaw, down her neck and over her shoulders, all the while holding her arms above her head. She arched against him and he needed no further invitation to capture one of her pebbled ni**les in his mouth.

He closed his mouth over her breast, shivering when she groaned. She begged, she cried out, but Anthony didn’t move any faster as he made love to her, one luscious body part at a time.

By the time he moved to the other breast, she was panting and he was more than ready to take her.

He dropped to his knees, kissed her stomach where their baby grew and stared up at her. “You’re so beautiful, Charlie. I’ll never take you for granted again.”

Kissing her still-flat stomach one more time, he came to his feet and framed her face, taking her mouth once again. This time his hands roamed all on their own—one cupped her breast, the other slid down her abdomen to settle between her legs. As she grasped his shoulders, she widened her stance and tilted her hips, silently showing him what she needed, what he wanted to give.

He stroked his hand over her. Her quick breath, her arched back, the water sluicing all around them had him gritting his teeth to hold himself in check.


She shattered against him and he watched her head tilt back against the tile, eyes closed, mouth slightly open as she cried out. When her body ceased trembling, he led her to the tiled bench seat along one of the back walls of the shower. When he sat down, she came to stand between his legs.

With her hands on either side of his face, she looked down at him and smiled. “I love you, Anthony.”

His heart swelled and he knew that this second chance they were taking was certainly not deserved on his part, but he was so thankful, he was going to grasp it with both hands and never let go. No matter the fear he had of this second baby, he would be strong and take charge as head of this family.

He gripped her waist and pulled her forward until she rested a leg on either side of his thighs. Once she straddled him, he smoothed her wet hair back from her face and laughed.

“What?” she asked.

“We’re going to drown if we stay in here much longer.”

She smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck. “I think we’ll be fine.”

At the same time her lips claimed his, she sank down on him. Damn that woman knew how to move. He should’ve known she’d take control as soon as he let his guard down. But if getting pushed around by a woman who wanted him was punishment, he’d gladly pay the penalty.

As her h*ps rocked back and forth, he tore his mouth from hers to capture a breast. One thing hadn’t changed in their ups and downs…he still loved her body and thoroughly enjoyed showing her.

When she picked up the rhythm, he gripped her waist and enjoyed the slide of her body beneath his hands. She grabbed hold of his shoulders and leaned her forehead against his as she shook, her eyes locked on his. And that’s when he finally relinquished control.

He let the cl**ax and the woman of his dreams take him over the edge.


“Be honest about this pregnancy. How do you feel?”

Searching for the right words to answer Charlotte’s question, Anthony stared down at the flickering orange-and-red flames licking around the marred wood.

Charlotte had put Lily to bed while he’d gotten the fire pit all set up and pulled two cozy chaise lounge chairs close by. They’d sat in silence for several minutes and he knew she was thinking. He also knew she’d want him to open up about this baby.

“I’m anxious to see you grow with my child,” he told her honestly. “But I’d be a fool not to be scared about bringing another innocent into the mix.”

Silence once again settled between them. Anthony wondered if he’d said the wrong thing, but he had to be straight. He would’ve kept the fear to himself, but she’d asked and he wasn’t about to lie.

“But you know I’m a firm believer in fate and that everything happens for a reason,” he went on. “I also know that once we get back to L.A. and start talking to a marriage counselor, that should reinforce the foundation of our marriage.”

Charlotte reached the narrow distance between the chairs and clasped his hand. “Well, you’re willing to talk to someone—that’s a big step in the right direction. You’re already so wonderful with Lily. Just imagine how amazing it will be to hold your very own child.”

Now he would have two children and Charlotte depending on him. Financial dependence didn’t worry him at all. Yet he was just getting back what he wanted and now he was blindsided by Lily and another baby. But he wasn’t lying when he said he believed everything happened for a reason. He only hoped and prayed the timing was right and that they could indeed make this work.

If Charlie ever walked away from him again, he was certain he wouldn’t be able to handle it.

“I won’t let you down,” he told her, waiting until her eyes met his. “Never again.”

For so long he’d thought all she needed was a padded bank account, a lavish house to throw parties and the backing to keep her donations to the Children’s Hospital up-to-date, but she’d really only needed one thing: love. His undivided attention, unconditional love and never-ending support. She’d need that love now more than ever and so would these innocent babies.

And after all they’d been through, he deserved nothing, yet she continued to give everything…even a baby. He only prayed she would stay after the ninety days.

“I love you, Charlotte. I never told you enough, but I love you more than I can say and you give me so much more than I deserve.”

“You gave me something, too.” Her free hand settled over her flat belly. “But what if something happens? God, Anthony, I’m scared to death.”

He pulled their joined hands up to his mouth and kissed hers. “I’ve already told you, this baby will be fine. You and I are obviously fighters or we wouldn’t still be together. Our baby will be strong, healthy and beautiful, just like her mother.”

And in the next several months, he would work on a way to nail this director job with Bronson, gain custody of Lily permanently and cement this bridge that kept collapsing between him and Charlotte. He never again wanted to feel vulnerable or out of control. He refused to lose anything he cared about ever again.

* * *

“What are you doing?” Charlotte laughed.

Anthony peered from behind the leather sofa with a small movie camera in hand, the red light blinking.

“Filming the two of you playing on the floor,” he explained as he crawled on his knees with one hand on the floor.

Charlotte picked up another oversized block and stacked it on top the others. “And this requires you to crawl?”

He grinned from behind the camera. “I wanted to get down here on your level. If I’m standing above you I don’t capture the moment as well.”

Charlotte rolled her eyes and looked at Lily, who was chewing and slobbering all over a red block with her big blue eyes fixed on Anthony. “Did you hear that, sweetheart? Uncle Anthony is always the director, even in his downtime.”

Anthony hit a switch that caused the camera to beep, then set the device down on the floor. “Charlotte, I didn’t mean for you to think—”

“Anthony.” She looked over at him, seeing the sincerity on his handsome face. “I’m kidding. I’m glad you’re taking home movies of Lily. I wasn’t implying anything else. Okay?”

He smiled, put the camera back up into position and clicked the button again. “And here are my two favorite ladies,” he said, more than likely for the camera. “Playing blocks on our last day at the lake.”

Charlotte glanced toward the window and sighed. “I wish it would clear up. I’d love to take Lily for a walk, but I’m pretty tired after yesterday.”

And last night, but she wouldn’t say that with the camera running. Who knew who would watch that film in later years.

“Olivia and Victoria are anxious for us to get home,” Anthony told her. “They’ll be at the house tomorrow to see our little Lily Bug.”

Charlotte was pretty anxious herself to see Anthony’s birth mother and sister in the privacy of their own home. Too often where Olivia Dane went, some sort of media entourage followed. Besides, she wanted them to get to know Lily better and share the good news of the second baby on the way.

She smiled at Anthony. “We’re pretty blessed, aren’t we?”

He moved the camera away from his face for just a moment, and she caught the flicker of a smile and a twinkle in his eyes. “Beyond what I deserve.”

Charlotte continued building with the blocks, showing Lily how they stacked, but the eight-month-old was more interested in squealing and knocking them back down. There was no way she could be around this baby and not smile. She was too precious, too full of life. And Rachel was missing it all.

Tears filled her eyes. One escaped and slid down her cheek.

Anthony put the camera aside and moved toward her, taking a seat beside her. “Hey, what’s wrong? You were just smiling.”