“And then seconds,” she teased.
“Or maybe seconds and then pancakes.”
I pressed her back against the bed, and her stomach rumbled. She laughed, covering her face.
“Or maybe pancakes first,” I corrected. “Can’t have you hungry.”
She jerked me down for another kiss, and then I went to the hotel phone to order breakfast for us. I couldn’t help watching her in the bed, a satisfied smile on her lips as I placed the order.
I wondered how we’d gotten to this moment.
And how long it was going to last.
Later that morning, I was in Chase’s Porsche, cruising toward my mom’s house. We’d lounged in his massive hotel room for as long as I could get away with it. I wanted him all to myself all day, but I hadn’t anticipated the day we’d have and needed a change of clothes. So, I was going to pop back in with Mom. I didn’t have anything I had to do until Monday morning with my internship. I planned to take advantage of every single minute with him.
Plus, I was kind of looking forward to Mom’s reaction to Chase.
And a little worried.
“This is the turnoff.”
He shifted gears as he pulled off the interstate. “Not words I’m used to hearing from you.”
I laughed. “I haven’t found the thing you do that turns me off.”
He smirked at me. “I accept this.”
“Are you ready for this?”
“For what exactly?”
“Meeting my mom. She said she wanted to meet you when she realized it was a date.”
His eyes widened as his eyes skid to mine across the car. “She did? You did not mention this before.”
“Scared of parents?” I asked with a grin.
“No, parents love me.”
I snorted. “Modest.”
“Should I be concerned?”
“You took her only daughter out on a date, and I didn’t come home.” I raised my eyebrows. “I mean, she’s going to know what we were up to.”
“I wouldn’t worry,” I said with a laugh. “It’s my mom.”
Chase looked a little worried. Which was fine. I wanted to see him sweat for a minute. Even though there was no reason to.
My mom was so cool. A woman who had been a roadie for ’80s rock bands had a fast and loose approach to parenting. After all, she’d done all the rebellion that I—her brainiac daughter—had never done.
Until Chase Sinclair…