Chase’s parents were getting a divorce, and he had no one to talk to. He’d cut Annie out. Even his sister couldn’t get ahold of him.

He was an adult. As Jordan had reminded us, he could handle this himself, in his own way. But that didn’t mean he should have to handle it alone.

I hadn’t spoken with Chase Sinclair since we’d said our good-bye all those months earlier. I’d had the most memorable kiss of my life. I heard him call me baby girl one more time. My insides melted. And then I’d walked away. Because what else could I have done?

It would be foolish to break the silence I’d personally set up. I was the one who had said he was toying with me by inserting himself into my life. And I couldn’t regret forcing this separation.

I’d spent months after looking for him on every corner. It didn’t make any sense. Because why would he be on the Tech campus? Why would he come to Wright Vineyard? He had no business at Wright Construction. He’d said he’d steer clear of Wright events entirely. I wasn’t going to see him, and it was what I’d asked for.


I glanced down at my phone, pulling up Chase’s phone number in my Contacts. I hadn’t had the nerve to completely remove him. I wasn’t using the number. What was the harm in keeping it as a just in case?

“Harley, you coming?” Whitt asked, his arm slung around Eve’s waist.

“I actually really need to work on my history paper,” I said.

It wasn’t a lie. I did have a history paper due this week. But…it wasn’t the whole truth.

“All work and no play makes Harley a dull girl,” Eve teased. “Come on. It’s just pizza.”

“Maybe next time.” I waved them off and headed for my Kia.

I sank into the driver’s seat, and before I could think better of it, I pressed the button.

The phone rang twice before a voice answered, “Hello?”

“Hey, Chase.”

The line was silent a beat too long. “Harley?”


“Hey.” He repeated my word back at me. We were both quiet for another few seconds before he said, “Are you okay? Did something happen?”

“Oh, yes,” I said quickly. “I’m fine.”

“Then…can I ask why you’re calling me? I thought…well, it doesn’t matter.”

“I heard about your parents.”


“I’m sorry.”

His laugh was sardonic. “I’m not.”

“Annie said you’re not answering her.”

He sighed. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Okay. Can I come over?”

“What?” he asked in a slightly strangled voice. “Do you think that’s a good idea?”

No, I really didn’t.

“I don’t think you should go through this alone.”