“Yes,” he said.

I popped the button on his pants. “And I want you.”

He clenched his jaw. “But…”

I dragged the zipper down. “You want me.”

“That’s not the point.”

“It feels like the point,” I said as I tugged his shirt out from the waist of his pants. “It feels like the whole point actually.”

“You’re going to regret this in the morning.”

But my mouth was on his heated skin, a kiss to the V that led down to what I really wanted. He groaned, and I pressed my palm against his cock. He was already getting hard for me.

“I don’t believe in regrets,” I said.


I looked up at him, my hand on his lengthening cock. “Fuck me. Fuck me like you mean it.”

His head dropped back. I swore I saw torture cross his face. As if he was in physical pain at my words.

“I…” He growled in the back of his throat. “I didn’t bring you here for that.” Then, he stepped back, away from me, and refastened his pants.

“I deserve a present.”

“I got you a present.”

I blinked up at him. “What?”

“I wasn’t sure I’d see you to give it to you,” he said. “But I thought, on the off chance I did…” Then, he removed a small blue box from his pocket.

Even I wasn’t drunk enough not to recognize Tiffany’s.

“What is it?” I whispered.

“Open it and find out.”

My fingers slipped on the white ribbon as I pulled it loose and then popped the top. Inside was the letter H on a circular silver pendant attached to a long chain.

I must have stared at it, speechless, a bit too long because he said, “You don’t like it.”

He reached for it, and I yanked it back, holding it to my chest.

“No, I love it. It’s mine.”

“Good,” he said with relief in his voice.

“Put it on me?”

I turned on the bed as best I could, moving the ridiculous pigtails out of the way. He slid the necklace into place and clasped it from behind. It settled like it had always belonged there.

I stroked the H and then looked back at him over my shoulder. “You’re going to give this to a girl and not get in bed?”

“I’ll get in bed,” he finally conceded. “But just to sleep.”

“Okay,” I relented.