Page 91 of Lake of Sapphire

“You’ll get what’s coming to you, nix. You will wish I’d killed you that night.”

I kept quiet and waited with the males, my gaze transfixed on the door. I didn’t know if I was half expecting Sie to just walk through them. But the longer I waited, the less confident I became. He wouldn’t come. Sie wouldn’t risk leaving the castle to come for me. I wasn’t worth it. It was better this way. Better if he didn’t come because whatever Kole had planned, I knew it would be awful.

The hooded figures started to pace. I watched the sun shift in the sky through an open balcony from above. I thought over and over again about how I could escape. If I could just get out of these chains… The front door was too heavily guarded, but if I could make it to the second floor and run to that window, I could jump. I knew it was wishful thinking. The males were dressed in weapons like they were jewels. I wouldn’t make it two feet before someone shot me down with an arrow. Not to mention the thick chains that were digging into my wrists and secured to the floor wouldn’t budge.

I heard a commotion coming from the front of the warehouse. Kole rubbed his hands together. “It’s time.”

He stepped behind me, loosening my chains just enough to pull me to my feet, and pressed a knife against my throat just as Sie emerged through the door. Every single male tightened their hold on whatever weapon they possessed, all were aimed toward Sie as if they could sense the threat he promised. Their anticipation for bloodshed was palpable.

Sie walked into the warehouse, the door shutting heavily behind him, locking us in. He was flanked by another masked male who held twin blades. Sie carried no weapons. I squinted through the blinding, unending sunlight and saw that he was shackled. Chained just like me. They had captured him.

“One more step, and she’s dead, Prince,” Kole sneered, pressing the knife further into my neck right over my scar. The scar he already gave me. A small drop of blood oozed out.

Sie stopped dead in his tracks once he spotted me. “Let her go. I came alone with no weapons. You have what you wanted. Now release her.”

Kole nodded to his men, who positioned themselves closer to him. Sie took a step toward me, but Kole held out his other hand. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Then Kole lazily dragged the knife down my almost healed thigh, reopening the cut as blood poured out of me.

I fought against the urge to scream as agony shot through me, taking over my senses and narrowing in on the pain searing through my thigh. “Now, this seems like a familiar step up. Does it not? Scottie with her thigh bleeding open. Sie with that crazed look on his face. Only this time, I win.”

“What do you want?” Sie growled, clenching his jaw. I could almost hear his teeth grinding against one another.

“I want you to kneel before me,Prince,” Kole taunted.Kings bow to no one.Kole knew what he was doing, he was testing Sie, seeing how far he could take it. To my horror, Sie listened and dropped to his knees before us, his eyes locking on mine. An echoing thud sounded throughout the warehouse as he slammed onto the stone floor.

“Please. Just let her go,” Sie begged. “I’ll do whatever you want. Just. Let. Her. Go.”

Kole took his time answering as if thinking it over before agreeing. “Alright, but I want to make sure I can trust you. You could just be saying that after all. Would you allow me to first test that theory?” He nodded toward his men as six bulky figures stepped into the light. Still on his knees, Sie’s gaze held mine. He didn’t look toward the threat that was approaching him.

“Sie, don’t!” I yelled, my voice raw from the gag. “It’s a trap. Don’t agree to whatever he wants!” Kole dug the knife further into my thigh to silence me. I yelped as tears blurred my vision. My breathing turned ragged.

Sie gave me a gentle, sympathetic look as if urging me to stop resisting—that I might make things worse. I blinked away the tears and tried not to focus on the searing agony shooting up my leg.

“Now,” Kole purred, “don’t fight my men as they beat you. If you pass, then I’ll know I can believe you.”

Sie laughed and held up his shackled wrists. The chains rattled with his movement. “I don’t think I could fight with these chains, but I accept.”

Kole huffed. “I’m not an idiot,Prince. I know you can take many of my men out even with those Alluse shackles.”

“Alright. I won’t fight back. You can do whatever you want with me, but Scotlind goes free.”

Kole’s smile was answer enough. I watched in horror as the six males took turns punching, kicking, and beating Sie. He did nothing. He just knelt on the ground taking it. Occasionally, they would knock him off balance, and he slowly, painfully, would rise again to that same kneeling position. His low grunts of pain were what my dreaded ears kept focusing on.

Sometimes the men would switch out their fists for weapons, laughing as the metal landed on his flesh. Sometimes I would hear a bone crunch.

“Stop!” I yelled. “Please, stop.” I begged over and over, but no one paid attention to me. It felt like time stilled, and I was awake, forced to live in a nightmare on repeat, unable to wake up. No one could hear me over the pounding of fists and clang of metal.

The stone around Sie’s knees turned red. He didn’t scream. He just took it. His eyes lingering on my crying form. “Please, stop it,” I sobbed through my tears.

Kole finally spoke, “Alright that’s enough. I don’t want him dead yet. We have orders to kill him by morning, but not a minute before, and I still want to have my turn with him.”

Sie managed to get to his knees again, blood dripping from every part of him. “We had a deal. Now let her go.”

“I’m afraid you might be a male of your word, but I’m not one of mine.” Kole laughed as three men grabbed Sie by the arms and held him down. “I’d like Scottie to know how you tortured me all night in the dungeons. Enlighten her to the monster you really are. I think I’ll show her. Maybe I can demonstrate and do the exact same thing to her as you did to me. I can repeat every single cut, every burn, every punch.”

This was all planned. He’d just wanted to weaken Sie, so he wasn’t as much of a threat. Kole wasn’t going to let either of us walk out of here tonight.

Sie realized it just as I did. He attempted to stand, ready to lunge, but Kole pressed the knife against my throat again. Standing up, my chained hands didn’t reach past my breasts. I could do nothing as I felt the steel of the blade bob. I tried not to swallow. I tried not to breathe.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Kole mused, his voice laced with power. “Back on your knees.” Sie sank onto the ground in front of me.