Page 86 of Lake of Sapphire


I looked around the room,mortified. It was bad enough to be in Sie’s chambers knowing I had to sleep here, but after the celebration, Synder insisted on escorting us back with three other members of the High Council. My gaze landed on Sie, confused and wide-eyed. He briefly looked me over before turning toward Alexander, my new overnight guard since Kole escaped. Although, he barely ever stayed with me since I spent every night with Peter.

“You are relieved of duty for the night,” Sie ordered. Alexander opened his mouth to speak, but Sie added before he could, “I promise you that I can guard Scotlind better than anyone here. Since I will be spending the entire night with her, your services are no longer needed. You will be notified if I have to leave her for any reason during the night.”

Alexander nodded, then bowed at the waist. “As you wish, Prince Noren. Congratulations to you both.”

I swallowed. Once. Twice. I couldn’t get rid of the knot that was lodged in my throat or the butterflies endlessly flapping in my gut.

Once Alexander left, Sie turned to Synder and his men. “Leave us.”

Synder looked me up and down, his eyes lingering on my cut now that our hands were no longer bound together. He stepped further into the room. “I can’t do that.”

Sie growled, noticing where Synder’s eyes had gone. “And why is that?”

“I’m afraid,” Synder said slowly, enjoying this, “that we must make sure you consummate your marriage.”

A muscle in Sie’s jaw quivered as he clenched his fists at his sides. “I am not having you or your men watch me have sex with mywife.”

“I’m afraid, young Prince, that the High Council insists upon it.”

“The High Council insists on it, or you do?” Sie snapped as he took a protective step in front of me, mostly blocking me from Synder’s view.

Synder smiled. “Well, we are one and the same. I am the head of the Council.”

“For now,” Sie challenged.

The other three men behind Synder shifted uncomfortably where they stood. An unsettling silence filled the room. The tension was palpable until finally, one of them spoke, “Perhaps we can just wait outside your chambers, Prince Noren. That way we can still confirm the act is done while giving you and your wife some privacy.”

“Get out,” Sie spat. “I don’t care where you stand or where you go as long as it is not in this room.”

Synder took one last look at me before saying, “Make sure it’s done. We’ll be listening.” Then he and his men turned swiftly on their heels. I cringed as the door slammed behind them.

Sie released a ragged breath as he turned around to face me. He stood so close that I had to crane my neck to meet his gaze.

“I’m sorry about that,” he mumbled before walking over to the leather sofa across the room. “How about a drink first?”

He filled my glass with a strong smelling amber liquid and then his. I took it with shaky hands. His fingers lingered on mine before I slowly sipped on the contents. He downed his in one gulp before filling it again.

One moment he was sitting across from me on the sofa, the next, I blinked, and he was behind me. He hadteleportedbehind me. Something about him using his abilities freaked me out like I almost forgot who I was alone in a room with. I tried to create distance between us, but his hands grabbed my shoulders, pinning me to my seat.

“Trust me,” he purred into my ear as his hands made their way down my neck. Then, in one motion, my necklace was off. He pocketed it before sitting back down to finish his second drink.

I swallowed as I tried to hide my shaking. I was alone in the room with Sie, the most powerful person in Tennebris, and Synder and his men blocked my only exit. Why did he take the necklace off me? Did he want to force me to do things with him? Vallie’s words of how men liked it rough flashed through my mind.

Relax. As tempting as that is, I’m not going to do anything to you. We don’t have to have sex tonight,I heard his voice say, but he hadn’t stopped drinking. Was that in my head? Did I imagine it? I gave him a puzzling look before I heard his voice again. He lifted a finger to his lips, ordering me to not make a sound.You didn’t imagine it.I’m talking to you in your mind so they can’t hear.I didn’t know he could do that. My hands instinctively went to my throat, now bare where my necklace had been, as I sucked in a breath.There is a lot that I can do that you don’t know about. I have more mind control powers than just compulsion.

“You can hear me? My thoughts?” I whispered.

Shh. Yes, I can read your thoughts right now, so don’t speak out loud. Just talk to me in your head, and I will hear you.

Get out of my head,I screamed in my thoughts but didn’t dare say out loud.

He looked at me for a moment longer before saying,I will, soon. But we need to get Synder and his men to leave. They are listening.

Is this total mind control? That you can do this?I gestured between us—to the fact that we were having a conversation without speaking. I couldn’t help but ask. I didn’t really know the full extent of his abilities.

He frowned at me as if contemplating whether or not he wanted to answer before saying,It’s part of it. It’s called telepathy. It’s rare, but it is what’s allowing me to communicate with you right now. As far as my total mind control… with compulsion, you know that you are being forced to do something. I can compel your body to obey but not your mind. Even though you are forced to do it, you are aware of it. You are aware that I am making you do something and that you don’t want to do it. With total mind control, I can make someone believe that what I am compelling them to do is their idea, that they want to do it. I can alter someone’s brain. Change their thoughts.