“It doesn’t matter what I think.”
“Yes, it does,” she jumped off the bed and stormed toward me. “How can you say whatyouthink doesn’t matter. You will be theKing. You can change things.” I honestly couldn’t tell if she was going to fight me. Her chest was rapidly rising and falling. I’d never seen her so rattled before, so unafraid to speak her mind.
“You know I can’t do that, Scotlind. Even if I wanted to. You know that can’t be done. It would cause a civil war, killing many people in the process, and I don’t even know if it would work. I’m not going to be the King who is the cause of so many deaths for a chance at an unknown future.”
She mumbled something under her breath as she turned away from me. “Just sleep,” I said again. It came out more forcefully than I intended. “We have a long day tomorrow.”
She turned her back to me as she crawled into my old bed. I was all too aware of her presence—just the fact alone that she was inmy bedacross the room from me was driving me insane. I wouldn’t be getting any rest tonight.
I heard her tossing and turning and knew she wasn’t comfortable sleeping in the same room either, but for entirely different reasons. She hated me, and I couldn’t blame her after last night.
I couldn’t get her out of my mind, how furious she was as she was forced to do all those things. Her murderous gaze while she took off her dress… I tried not to look at her as she did it. I knew it was wrong, but I couldn’t help it. I also knew Alec was enjoying every inch of her too. I wanted to beat him right then and there for it.
I never thanked Peter for getting her out of there. As soon as she took the necklace off, I knew I had to do something to help her, but I couldn’t be the one to do it. Alec was waiting for me to cave, waiting to push me to the brink so I would defend her. I entered Peter’s head and spoke to him through his mind, begging him to take her away. Everyone loved Peter, so no one would think anything of it if he stepped in.
Some part of me hated that I couldn’t be the one to do it. Instead, I was the one she blamed. I knew exactly how it looked to her. How I looked to her.
It bothered the hell out of me that she left with another male. Regardless of the fact that he was my friend and that I ordered him to do it. I couldn’t imagine what else Alec would have made her do if she had stayed.
I trusted Peter with my life, and I knew I could trust him with Scotlind too. He cares for her. But I’d seen the way she looks at him. She likes him. I should be happy about it. Happy that she has someone at the castle, happy that she’s not completely alone. But I would be lying if I said it didn’t bother the hell out of me.
I stalked over to the bookshelf and picked up an old text. I didn’t really care for reading, but I desperately needed to clear my head.
I needed anything to keep my thoughts from the female who was now sleeping in my bed.
I wokeup the next morning disoriented to where I was. My eyes adjusted to the dying embers of the fireplace to find Sie settled in a chair by the door. His head rested at an odd angle. It elongated his neck, and his feet were spread out before him. An old book was opened across his chest as if he fell asleep reading.
It was an unsettling picture. He looked so young and different fast asleep. The intimidating male hours before was gone.
Grabbing the candle off the nearby table, I quietly tip-toed past him toward the bathing room, careful not to wake him up.
When I re-entered the bedroom, dressed and ready to go, he was sitting on the edge of the bed. I halted in the door as he stood. My breath hitched, and all I could do was gawk at him as he slid past me into the room. Neither of us saying anything, which only made the tension palpable.
I listened for the water to start filling in the tub and tried not to think about the last time I saw him after a bath.
I still hated him for what his friends did to me, but I couldn’t help but think he was not who I thought he was. He said he wouldn’t change the ranking system, that it would cause a civil war, but deep down, I think he would. Maybe I could convince him. If I could come up with a way to change things that wouldn’t lead to bloodshed, would he agree?
I paced, biting my lip in the process, scanning the room that must have been Sie’s childhood room growing up. It was massive, but was barely decorated—bare walls just like my dorm room. I walked over to the chair he’d slept on and flipped through the book he had been reading. It was an ancient text regarding the old planet Allium.
I was so focused on the book that I didn’t notice Sie walk out of the bathing room until I felt his breath against my neck. I jumped and gently put the book back down. He was freshly washed, smelling of cedarwood and some citrus scent. He was ready for the tour. He looked like a King, regal and intimidating in his outfit. Gone was the youthful male who was sleeping just minutes prior, it was as if his cold demeanor was a mask, something he put on when he dressed.
He wore all black with a cloak-like cape draped over his chest. Daggers were hidden within his formal attire that I had never noticed before.
“Come,” he gestured toward the door. “The car is here to take us to the monorail.” I followed him out and waited while he hugged his mother and brother goodbye. His father did not see us off.
Today we were touring Addler and LakeWood. My heart hammered against my chest, knowing that I would get to see Vallie and Miles tonight. I would have to thank Peter again for arranging that.
Even though I didn’t have a family, I felt better about my upbringing. Miles and Vallie had taken me under their wings and welcomed me with open arms. I had good memories because of them. I couldn’t imagine Sie’s family celebrating anything. I couldn’t imagine what it was like growing up in that house. His mother and brother were nice, but I didn’t think anyone in that family ever stood up to his father.
TouringAddler was awkward as neither of us brought up what had happened at his parents home, even as Peter relentlessly hounded us. But the past two nights no longer bothered me. I couldn’t think about Sie’s father or anyone from the Council. I was giddy with anticipation of going home tonight.