Page 61 of Lake of Sapphire

I smiled as I easily crept past him.



With the notestill in my shaky palm, I took a deep breath and opened the door to where I was supposed to meet Sie. Music drifted toward me, along with the warmth of a roaring fireplace. I stepped into the room only to halt as soon as I noticed a crowd of drunken Advenians.

A party. I walked straight into a party.

This note wasn’t from Sie that much was certain based on the two females clinging to his side. How could I have been so stupid to think he would want to meet with me?

One chandelier illuminated the packed room. Champagne and wine glasses, full and empty, filled every table. Most of the crowd had hazy eyes, either talking or swaying their hips to the melody.

Reagan smiled as she scooted closer to Sie on the red leather sofa. Another female I didn’t recognize took up his other side. She had silky, black hair that flowed over her shoulder as she bent down to graze his neck. Goddess above, what did I walk in on.

I bit down nervously on my lower lip as I retreated a step back to the door.

Sie remained lounged low on the sofa, his legs spread wide, his left knee bent while his other leg was stretched out long in front of him. He looked regal. Regal and daunting and alluring and utterly unaware of my presence. He definitely was not expecting me.

Peter, who was in the corner of the room refilling his drink, noticed me right away. His eyes flared wide, and he shook his head, but it was too late. Alec, who seemed to be the only one expecting me, acknowledged me standing there awkwardly by the door.

“Ah, Princess. How nice of you to join us. We are having a farewell revel for Sie as you both will be leaving tomorrow for your tour,” he exclaimed over the loud, pounding music. “I see you brought my note.” He smirked as he took a step closer to where I stood.

Sie looked up at me then, as if just noticing me for the first time. He didn’t move from the sofa or stop the black haired girl from leaning into him. His eyes intensified, his sight never leaving mine. The girl wrapped her legs around his as she giggled something into his ear.

Sie narrowed his eyes at the note in my hand before moving his attention back up to my face. I quickly crumbled it up and tried to shove it behind my back. Alec reached forward to grab it and, to my horror, started reading it out loud.

Dear Scotlind, meet me tonight. It’s important. I’ll be waiting at midnight on the second landing, first room to the right. Come alone. Don’t let your guard see you leave. Sie.

The room quieted as the loud music lowered into a soft hum so Alec could be heard amongst the crowd.

I risked a glance at Sie. He sat up a little straighter, brushing the female off his lap. His jaw clenched, a muscle moved along the side of this cheek, but other than that, he masked whatever emotion he was feeling.

“Poor, innocent Scotlind,” Reagan crooned as she leaned into Sie, making a show of rubbing her hand over his sculpted chest. The top two buttons of his shirt came undone, exposing part of his peck beneath. “She thought you actually wanted to spend time withherof all Advenians. Don’t worry, Scotlind. We have him quite entertained for the night. You can go now.”

I planned to do just that. Biting the inside of my cheek, I quickly turned on my heel, rushing out of the room. I made it to the door when Alec grabbed my upper arm, keeping me in place.

“Don’t leave now, Princess. You came all this way. Let’s at least have some fun first,” Alec mused as he spun me around to face Sie again. He reeked of alcohol. His breath hot against my neck as he brushed my hair aside.

My cheeks heated as blood rushed to them, lacing my freckles with red. I wanted to go back to my room. I wished I never came.

Sie shifted uncomfortably on the sofa.

“Here, have a drink,” Alec smiled as he pushed a glass of champagne in my hand.

I tried to shake it away, to escape his grasps. “I don’t want to drink,” I gritted between my teeth.

“You don’t want to drink? Now that’s not any fun. Hmm, let me think. What can we do for fun with someone who doesn’t want to party with us?” His smile turned mischievous as he glanced over to Sie and Reagan, then looked me up and down slowly.

“What did you have in mind?” Reagan narrowed her eyes at Alec.

“I was thinking of playing surrender.” He smirked as Reagan lit up. Sie remained silent, staring at me with heavy eyes. I swore I saw a brief flicker of worry flash over his face, but it was gone in an instant. His cold demeanor returned. I didn’t know what surrender was, but I definitely did not want to stay to find out.

“I don’t think that’s wise,” Peter said carefully, taking a step toward me. “She isn’t just some female rank zero you brought to a party, Alec. She’s going to be Sie’s wife. You shouldn’t mess with her like that.”

Reagan huffed. “Well, she isn’t his wife yet and there is still time for Sie to change his mind about her.” She looked at me as she ran her fingers through Sie’s raven-black hair, pushing back the strands from his eyes. He leaned out of her grip but only pressed himself into the other female still wrapped around him.

Peter gritted his teeth. “They said the vows before the Goddess, Reagan. Don’t be delusional.” Reagan turned her scornful face toward Peter and clicked her tongue.