Page 28 of Lake of Sapphire

He cleared his throat. I thought I saw a glimmer of a smile on his face, but I whipped my head to the ground before I could be certain. My own gaze narrowed in on my white boots. I was going to burn a hole right through them.

My fingers nervously reached for a long strand of my hair. The curl became knotted and tangled on my finger, probably from whatever product Vallie put in it to maintain the waves. I put my hands back down, pressing them hard against my thighs.

“What’s your name?” His voice was deep, rougher than I expected.

“What? Mine? It’s um…” I paused. Why was I so nervous? I was acting as if I’d never spoken to the opposite sex before. Which was stupid because I had, numerous times. I was practically surrounded by them during class. “It’s Scottie.”

“Okay, Scottie. May I ask what exactly you are doing in the hall alone, staring out a window, may I add, when the banquet is going on in there?” he gestured toward the ballroom. I could feel his stare bore into me as he looked me up and down.

I refused to meet his gaze.

When I didn’t answer, he added, “Based on the fact that your left wrist isn’t branded and your lack of attention to your surroundings, I would not presume you’re here to guard.”

Right. I was in my guard uniform. I tried to not bare my teeth at him as anger rose up inside me.

“I’m not a guard, not yet anyway. I’m in training, or I was in training. I just had my Trials.”

“That doesn’t answer why you are in the hall alone.”

“I was told to guard the outer rim,” I seethed, not knowing why any of this was his business.

“Goddess save us if this is the person protecting us tonight. She can’t even walk straight,” a voice sounded from behind me. I spun around only to realize that three other males loomed behind me, who had all witnessed this fiasco. Great.

They all wore the black leather uniform of the King’s Guard. Tennebris’ twin pink moons seal glimmering on each of their chests. The dark-haired male that I fell on ignored the comment. I had a weird sensation that he recognized me from somewhere with how thoroughly he was assessing me.

He questioned, “I can tell that you’re training to be a guard by your uniform. Are you not qualified to be considered for Queen then?”

Something about his tone of voice, the question, and his stare unsettled me. Like he was mocking me. “I’m qualified,” I said slowly, my voice almost a growl. “I just don’t want to.”

The other males gasped as their eyes went wide in shock, but the dark-haired male just smirked, or I thought he smirked. I still refused to look at him.

A guard behind me questioned, “Why the hell not?” He was balding and was unusually large for our kind. He sneered at me, revealing stained, yellow teeth. “Every female was told that they had to attend by the King’s request. That is the law. You have no choice if you are selected. You can’t just decide it’s not for you.” I could smell the reek of his breath from where I stood as his words shot at me.

Another one mumbled, “Besides, you should consider it an honor.”

“You are correct. Every female has to attend, and here I am—attending. As far as I’m aware, it isn’t the law to have to dress up and parade myself around for some arrogant male I don’t know, nor someone I have no intention of marrying. Now, if you will excuse me, I have to go.”

The dark-haired male let out a low laugh. I just wanted to get away from them. I started to leave, but the bald guard grabbed me by my waist before I even took a step, holding me taut in my place. He was faster than I thought he’d be.

“You need to show more respect,” he breathed as he pressed his body against my back. Then he grabbed my neck with one thick hand and my waist with the other, forcing me into a deep, low bow. “You cannot talk to your future King that way. You should be bowing, showing your fealty.”

I reacted without thinking. Taking the guard by surprise, I elbowed his sternum as I twisted out of his grasp and kicked him as hard as I could between his legs. The guard toppled to the floor, one hand clutching his chest, the other his groin. His breaths were raspy as he glared up at me.

Then his words sunk in.

Future King.

He said future King. That would mean that the handsome, dark-haired male was… Goddess above. I swallowed the lump rising in my throat.

“Enough. Leave us,” the Prince said, not taking his gaze off of me. “I’d like to speak with her alone.”

The other two males did as he requested and immediately left us. The one on the ground hesitated for a moment before wobbling off. He casted one last glare at me over his shoulder before he disappeared behind the corner.

I shifted awkwardly on my feet, finally daring to meet his gaze. My face reddened even deeper as I saw it was very obviously Prince Noren standing before me. With his height, the way he held himself, his lithe body that I’d just had my hands on moments ago. He wore a dark suit that obscured the muscles beneath. One button was left undone on his shirt that revealed pale skin, a striking contrast to his dark features. He was even more handsome and captivating up close.

I took in his sharp appearance, now settled on me. His strong jaw fashioned in a half-smile, his dark hair that had a slight wave to it as it curled over his ears and fell to the middle of his neck. If only I’d actually made eye contact with him before and hadn’t been so nervous, I might have saved myself from this embarrassment.

“Are you alright?” he asked, his eyes narrowing on me.