Page 23 of Lake of Sapphire



I was forcedto watch ten rounds of sparring before my name was called. Good. It was about time. I took a deep breath as I made my way toward the center of the arena. I purposely avoided looking in the stands. I didn’t want to know who was watching me. I couldn’t afford any distractions.

I looked to see who I would be up against. It was Hardan Georges. I tried to recall his abilities as I looked him over. Was it compulsion? No. Paralysis? No. Hyperspeed? No. My mind raced with the possibilities. I had to remember what power he possessed. If I could recall it, I would know what to avoid, what to watch out for.

Fighting strategically was my only saving grace when it came to sparring against the Dark abilities. That, and the fact that I was generally more agile than my classmates.

Kole hadn’t been called to fight yet, so at least I could continue on for a few rounds if I fought smart. I knew from all my years at practice that I couldn’t win against him. He was too strong and powerful and made it his goal to learn my fighting style and how to beat me.

I blocked everything out as I heard the buzzer go off, letting me know my two minutes had begun. Right before the fight, I recalled that x-ray vision was Hardan’s ability. It was a remarkable ability to have, but didn’t help in a fight with no weapons. He could detect in an instant if anyone was concealing anything. X-ray users were usually utilized at the annual meeting the High Council had with Lux. The only thing he could use it for now was to look through my clothes, which I think would just be a distraction to him.

I almost felt bad for the male I was sparring. He didn’t land a single hit on me as I mercilessly took all my stress out on him. The buzzer went off again in the blink of an eye.

“Fifteen to zero. Scotlind moves on,” Professor Hale announced at the end of the match. I found myself glancing up at the bleachers, even though I told myself I wouldn’t, and I froze.

Prince Noren and the blonde-haired boy from earlier were both staring down at me. The blonde was smiling, but the Prince’s expression was void of emotions as his gaze found mine. His eyes lingered for a few seconds before he shook his head and looked back at the folders splayed out in front of him. Was there a folder on me? I didn’t have any time to analyze or think about him reading about my life as my next fight started.

The next six matches were similar to the first. Most of my other classmates landed hits on me, but I won each round. My body was throbbing and aching all over to show for each victory. A male named Kirt, who I last fought, shared the same ability as King Lunder. He possessed weapon energy and drew a dagger out in the middle of our fight, leaving me with a bleeding gash down my forearm.

Luckily, it was shallow and small, maybe only an inch or two long, but the pain around the area felt like it was on fire, leaving a sharp, agonizing sensation shooting up my arm. Blood was slowly trickling down my wrist, covering my hand and embedding itself under my fingernails. I ground my teeth together as I wiped off as much of the blood as I could. It would be a weakness now. Weapons were supposed to be banned during the final round of Trials, but abilities weren’t, so Professor Hale allowed it.

There were only two more Advenians left to fight—Grady and Kole. I listened for who Professor Hale would call next. I knew Kole was impatiently waiting to fight me.

I saw him grin as his name was the one called.

The buzzer went off, and Kole didn’t hold back. He immediately threw a front kick and landed it on my face—the same tender spot above my eye he’d hit only days before. I stumbled backward before regaining my footing.

We paced around each other as I lightly bounced on the balls of my feet, ready to dodge his next move. I knew from years of sparring with Kole that he was impatient and wouldn’t wait. He was an offensive fighter to a fault. He came forward with another kick. I jerked to my left, extending my arm out to block it. Blood from my gash sprayed onto him as I rebounded with a sidekick. His nostrils flared as Professor Hale called the score from the sidelines. I internally smiled.

It was one to one. He attacked again. I dodged his kick, but he landed a punch immediately after. A grunt escaped my lips as I felt the full power of his blow.

Another jab. Kick. Dodge. Punch. I groaned as Professor Hale called out three more points for Kole. I knew I had to stop fighting defensively. I didn’t have the time to wait for counter-attacks. I stepped toward him, lifted my leg, and extended it into another kick.

I didn’t notice him using his telekinesis until it was too late. Kole managed to pull an empty bleacher from the stands and sent it flying toward me. I didn’t have time to react as the bleacher slammed me back, pinning me against the wall of the arena. Kole’s smile turned malicious as he strode over toward me, taking his damn time.

I glanced at the clock. Dread filled my stomach as I saw we still had a minute left. Kole could do a lot of damage in one minute. He knew he had won as he stopped right before me.

He leaned in and whispered in my ear, “I was trying to go easy on you at first, little nix, but I guess you needed a reminder of your place. This is what happens to nixes. You’re powerless and completely in my hands now.”

His smile was playful as I struggled to break free of the bleacher. The golden markings on his hand shimmered against the sun as he continued to wield his power. I didn’t move an inch.

Kole laughed as he caressed my cheek. “You can always surrender, little nix. You don’t have to put yourself through this.”

His smile wiped off his face as I spat at him, leaving a glare that could kill. He grabbed my forearm and pressed down hard against the open wound from Kirt’s blade. I cried out in agony, hating myself for letting the pain overtake my body. My scream echoed into the now silent arena.

He didn’t hesitate after that as he used the remaining time on the clock to land blow after blow. Over and over again. I was defenseless until the buzzer sounded. I knew I could surrender. I knew I should. I’d lost. Letting him beat me up didn’t prove anything. But I didn’t want to give Kole the satisfaction. I couldn’t let him win, not in that regard. Instead, I stood there, trapped between the wall and the torn bleacher as I braced for each painful blow.

The arena was quiet long after the buzzer sounded. Kole wiped away the blood that was running down my face with the back of his palm. “Don’t worry, I won’t beat you up when you’re my servant.”

“You’re a prick,” I cursed at him, trying my best for my voice to sound strong. It didn’t. I could barely catch my breath.

He smiled before letting go of his hold of the bleacher. I fell forward as my hips became free and stumbled over it.

“Forty-seven to two. Kole wins,” Professor Hale said.

Kole grabbed me by the arm and forced me up.