Page 100 of Lake of Sapphire

“Don’t you think King Lunder and the High Council will find it suspicious that we are gone for so long?”

Sie looked at me sideways. “Don’t worry about that.”

I got a bad feeling about what they thought we were doing. “Why? What did you tell them?”

“Are you sure you want to know?” When I nodded he said hesitantly, “They think we are occupied because of the blood bond.”

The blood bond.

I’d wanted to ask him about the bond ever since we were forced to make it, but every time I mustered the courage to ask, nothing left my mouth. Kole said that it forced Sie’s feelings for me, that Sie only came for me because of the bond, and part of me was scared to find out the truth.

I took a deep breath before asking, “What is the blood bond?”

Sie ran his fingers through his hair, leaving it tousled and messy in the front.

“Please, just be honest with me,” I added when he didn’t answer.

He blew out a breath. “Okay. Do you remember when we had to cut our palms at our wedding, and we drank each other’s blood? Then they wrapped our hands together and bound them?” I nodded. How could I forget? I looked down at my palm. It was now scabbed over from where Sie had dragged the blade. How was that only a few days ago?

Sie continued, “What they did, it’s called a blood bond. It connects two people on a different, deeper level. It doesn’t always take, though. You have to be compatible with whom you are forming the bond with. It’s rare for someone to find their bond mate. But if it takes, your souls will be connected and intertwined for life.”

“Is it not a common thing to do?” I asked because I hadn’t heard of it before. It wasn’t something they taught us at LakeWood.

“No,” he answered tightly. “It used to be common back when our kind lived on Allium, but it’s rarely done anymore. I was really surprised they had us do it. It wasn’t supposed to be part of the ceremony, but I couldn’t say anything to stop it without making it obvious.”

“You said it connects people on a different level? What do you mean by that? I don’t feel any differently toward you, I mean.”

“I know. It’s because we didn’t finish the bond,” he looked down at his hands before adding, “The bond worked. At least I think it did. Two souls have to be aligned for the bond to take. In the past, couples broke up over it if it didn’t take. For males, we feel it first. I can feel it, feel you, I think. Whenever I’m around you, and your necklace is off, it’s like my powers are amplified. I’ve never felt that way with anyone before. It’s like you make me stronger.” I swallowed, listening to him speak. “But in order for the bond to last, you have to accept it.”

“Me? How do I accept it?” I asked.

He didn’t answer for a long time. Then, “We have to have sex.”


“They thought we did,” Sie continued. “I think that’s why Synder and his men stood outside our room that night. They wanted to make sure the blood bond worked. That’s why Kole thought I went to you in the warehouse—because of the bond. Because if we were blood bonded, we would feel each other’s pain. Legend claims that a bonded pair feels each other’s heightened emotions, until one of them is dead. I wouldn’t have had a choice but to come for you. He was banking on me saving you because of that. I don’t know why yet. I’ve been trying to figure it out, to figure out what they are planning. Why the blood bond was important. Was it really only to lure me out into a vulnerable position, or was there more to it?” He threw a rock in the fire. “But we don’t have to. We can let the bond fade.”

“It will fade?”

“Yes. If we don’t…” he started and cleared his throat. “I don’t know how long we have until it fades, but we have to complete the bond with each other’s blood in our system.”

“What will the bond do if we have it? If we don’t let it fade, I mean. You said your mind abilities are stronger with me, would that go both ways?”

He turned to face me, and my cheeks heated, thinking about what we would have to do to complete the bond. I looked at the fire, hoping he wouldn’t notice.

“I don’t know much about the blood bond, but if my abilities are stronger with you, I would think that it could make your Lux abilities stronger too. Which is why you need to learn and understand them so you can control them. If we complete the bond and you don’t know what you possess, your powers might manifest without you even meaning to use them.”

My mind whirled. If that happened, if the bond made my powers stronger, but unpredictable, I could give away to anyone around me that I was from Lux. Was that why he was trying to get me to figure out my powers? Did he not want to sleep with me until I did? Did he even want the bond?

I swallowed as he continued, “But the bond would also link us together. It connects two people, and once it’s formed, it’s permanent. Rumor claims that the sense of each other’s safety and feeling one’s heightened emotions occur even thousands of miles away. I’m not entirely sure how true that is, but there are written documents of bonded couples being able to communicate with each other in their minds within close proximity. Just like my telepathy allows us to. Some say bonded pairs don’t have to have mind abilities to do it. But in truth, no one knows entirely what the bond does. It’s been a practice that hasn’t been used in centuries.”

“Do you want the bond? Do you want to accept it?” I asked.

He shook his head no almost immediately. I tried not to look offended. “I don’t want to force you to do anything you don’t want to do, Scottie. The bond would make it easier for me to protect you, but we don’t need it. We can let it fade. Besides, the High Council wanted us to be bonded, maybe it’s part of their plan, and we will have the advantage of them thinking we are when we aren’t.”

“I still don’t get why they would think that we would be preoccupied with the blood bond, though. Do they think we want to get away from everyone just to talk to each other in our own heads? Why is that a good reason for us to be gone?”

Sie spit out the water he was sipping on and coughed hoarsely as he tried to recover. Once he composed himself, he glanced over at me and cleared his throat before saying, “If the blood bond was activated and if it took, the two people generally wouldn’t be able to keep their hands off each other fora while. It’s just as much a physical reaction as it is mental.”