Page 104 of Lake of Sapphire

“No. I don’t think so. We have been trying to get her to summon any of Lux’s elements, but she can’t. It has to mean something else. Plus, she has the symbol of Alluse here,” I said as I showed both of them telepathically her lower right portion of her back. “And we know she doesn’t have Alluse. If she did, no one would be able to use their abilities on her.” I tried to wrap my brain around it. “We need these missing pages, or we need to break into Lux’s official records.”

“Lux has official records of their powers?” Scottie asked, still pale as she processed everything.

I nodded my head. “Just like we do. Both of our Kingdoms record everything. We have records of the first Tennebris Advenians dated years and years ago. They go all the way back to when we were on Allium. The problem is, they are restricted. Even Peter would struggle to get past the ability wards in place. And getting into Lux’s would be impossible.”

“Not impossible,” Peter said. “You know I can do it.”

“No,” I shot back. “I’m not risking you for that. Let’s keep looking. Maybe we can find the missing pages first, and in the meantime Scottie will keep practicing. We will try to do this without Lux’s records. I’m not sending you to Lux.”

They both nodded at me, at the authority in my tone. I knew Peter wouldn’t question it, even if he wasn’t happy about it. I couldn’t send him to Lux. I wouldn’t risk him, not yet anyway. “Were you able to get the other item I requested?” I asked him. I didn’t want to flat out say the Sui Alluse necklace in front of Scottie in case he didn’t have it.

“Yes,” Peter smiled as he reached into his pack and pulled out a long golden necklace. The chain was the same as the one before, but the pendant was a rectangular crystal, a beautiful shade of sapphire that matched her eyes. He held it out to Scottie as she swallowed. Her eyes went wide as she took the necklace with shaky hands. “It’s Sui Alluse so you can keep practicing your abilities while being protected from anyone using their powers on you. It will act as a shield.”

“Thank you,” she whispered.

“Any news regarding the other thing you were working on?” I asked Peter as Scottie clasped the necklace around her neck.

“Yes,” he said through gritted teeth. “But you aren’t going to like it.”



I lookedbetween Peter and Sie across the fire, wrapping my blanket tighter around me, bracing myself for the news Peter had discovered. Peter’s gaze was unwavering on Sie as he said, “Your father is back. Apparently, Synder begged him to rejoin the High Council, and he accepted the position as Commander of the Guard.”

Sie’s jaw clenched as his teeth ground together. He hated his father. I’d gathered that much from the night I spent at his house, and I could see why.

“You know your father’s opinions of the ranking system,” Peter continued in the most polite way he could without bashing me. “And you know his feelings about Scottie. I think we would be stupid to write this off as a coincidence. I think you both might need to come back to the castle, and soon.”

“Do what you must. Follow him and track his whereabouts,” Sie replied, not meeting either of our gazes. He instead stared at the lake’s white glaciers in the distance. “Did you make any headway on the High Council itself?”

“Nothing concrete yet. Other than Synder reaching out to your father, no changes have been made. Braven and Synder have met twice this week, unofficially.” I must have looked confused because Peter clarified, “Braven is Alec’s father.” Then he turned back to Sie. “I have been tracking their movements but still have not been able to infiltrate their meetings. Their next one is tonight, though, and I plan to be present.”

“Good,” Sie said, standing up. As if that was some indication for Peter to leave, he rose as well. “Scottie and I will stay an extra day. See if she can practice any more, and I’ll read through the book. I don’t want to risk bringing it into the castle. We will return by tomorrow night.”

Peter nodded and went to leave us. I quickly glanced at Sie before I shrugged off my blanket and ran after my friend. “Peter, wait.” He was at the edge of the camp, about to enter the woods, when he halted and turned toward me. “No, goodbye?”

He smiled. “You’re only going to be away from me for one more day and you can’t help but miss me? I’m seriously flattered.”

“Stop messing around. I’m serious. What are you doing to find this information out? Is it… dangerous?” I asked him, unable to meet his gaze.

“Only if I get caught. I’ll be fine, Scottie. I’m good at what I do.”

“Right, and you won’t even tell me what that is yet. I don’t understand why you have to keep your ability a secret from me.” I crossed my arms over my chest, and he laughed lightly.

“I told you that I would make you a deal. I’ll show you mine when you show me yours.”

I frowned at him. “That’s not fair. I don’t even know what my ability is.”

“Then all the more reason for you to work hard to figure it out. But I think swimming naked isn’t going to get you any closer toward it,” he said with his glistening smile. I was about to shove him and refute that we weren’t skinny dipping when he added, “For now, stay with Sie, and you’ll be safe.”

“I hate this. Feeling weak. Feeling like I need someone to watch over me while you go off and do what I should be doing. Instead, I’m just hiding away at some lake to avoid whoever is trying to use or kill me.”

He looked at me for a moment before saying, “You aren’t weak, Scotlind. You’ve just never been given the opportunity to grow with your abilities. That’s why you are here. You aren’t doing nothing. Sie is trying to get you to discover what you can do. With the castle heavily guarded, you won’t be able to practice much there. If you can access your powers, it will help protect yourself if you ever need to again. It will also help you hide that you are Luxian if you can learn to control yourself. Think about it. You don’t know what you are capable of. What if you were to accidentally use your Lux ability in front of everyone at the castle? Before, Sie gave you a Complete Alluse necklace, unknowingly preventing you from ever accessing your powers. Now, you have a necklace of Sui Alluse, meaning that your control could slip. We wouldn’t be able to protect you if that happened. I know this seems silly, but it’s important, Scotlind. You’re important.”

“I guess.” I let out a sigh. Sie said as much to me about controlling my powers.

“You guess? That’s it? What about, ‘you’re right, Peter. You are always right.’” He teased me as I gently swat at his arm. I smiled at him as he gave me a quick hug goodbye. “I’ll see you tomorrow night. Work your butt off today and tomorrow, so you can show me your ability.”