What was going on? Had Anthony decided to talk to Olivia early and now they were all in a family meeting?

Mia didn’t know, and honestly, she didn’t want to know. She just wanted to do her work and try to remain stress-free so she could have the healthiest, happiest baby ever.

And just like every other time she thought of the baby, she began to daydream. As always she chose the best features of Bronson and her. Not just physical, but character traits, too.

She hoped the baby had her Italian skin tone and dark hair with Bronson’s blue eyes. She hoped their child had strength and determination from both of them. The classy, regal style of Olivia and the romantic and creative side of Victoria.

Mia’s desk phone rang, and she pulled herself from the fantasy and remembered she was at work. Alone, but still at work.


“How fast can you pack?”

Mia smiled at Bronson’s low, sexy tone. “Pack for what?”

“A trip. Five days and the destination is a secret. I have clothes at your service. All you need is essentials.”

Was he for real? Who did this ever happen to?

“Well, I’m working today and for the next several days. And I thought you were not available to take calls right now.”

Bronson laughed. “Our plans finished sooner and better than we’d hoped. I’ll fill you in on the plane. I’ve already gotten you a hall pass from your demanding employer, so when can you leave?”

If he was that anxious to get her somewhere, hopefully alone, then she could be ready five minutes ago.

“I’ll be ready in thirty minutes,” she told him.

“I’ll send my driver and meet you at the airport.”

And with that he hung up.

Mia stared at the handset for a second before she burst out laughing. Sometimes that man just amazed her. A surprise trip complete with wardrobe? Did he even know what size her swelling body wore?

If her waistline continued to grow the way it was, she’d be going to Omar the tent maker to get her fall and winter wardrobe.

Mia saved the spreadsheet she was working on and shut off her computer. She couldn’t get to her cottage fast enough to pack.

By the time she’d pulled her suitcase out and thrown in necessities—and sexy lingerie was the first necessity—she still had ten minutes to spare. She double-checked everything, including her passport, just in case, as the driver pulled up and took her bags.

Giddiness swept through her on the ride to the airport. Were they going on a cruise? Maybe a trip to Aruba? Oh, she hated waiting. Did the man not know how rude dangling the proverbial carrot was? Patience had never been her strong suit.

Okay, so that was a trait she didn’t want to pass down to the baby.

At nearly five months along, Mia couldn’t wait for the next few weeks to fly by so she could find out the sex of the baby. Back to that waiting game again.

The driver pulled into the private section of the airport and there was Bronson standing next to his jet, talking with a man she assumed was the pilot. A thrill of anticipation shot through her. Spending time alone with Bronson anywhere on earth would be fine with her, but the thought that he’d gone to the trouble to keep a surprise really threw her for a loop. Did she dare hope he was falling for her and not just feeling obligated to spend time with her for the baby’s sake?

Bronson opened her door as the driver got her bags and passed them on to the pilot.

“Glad you’re quick,” he told her, kissing her cheek. “You ready?”

She smiled. “For you to tell me where we’re going, yes.”

“Oh, you’ll find out soon enough. I just hope you’re as excited as I think you’ll be.”

“I’m getting five days off to spend with you and not work? I’m already excited.”

Bronson led her up the stairs of the private jet, and she settled into her plush leather seat. “How long is the flight?”

“Long enough for us to eat, sleep and have a stop to refuel before we arrive to our destination. I already called your doctor to clear your travels.” He smiled as he looked down at her. “I thought this would be a good time for us to discuss baby names.”

Mia froze, fastening her seat belt. “Baby names?”

“Yeah.” He took the seat across from her and leaned forward, taking her hands in his. “The baby has to have a name. And I have to admit this is something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately.”

Was he serious? Was he really ready to have their first parentlike discussion? Could he actually want this family to work?

Great, now she was going to tear up all because he was whisking her away and wanted to talk baby names.

“I didn’t think you’d want to be that involved until you knew…”

“My involvement is inevitable.” He kissed her hand. “And I want to do this. This baby will be an important part of the Dane legacy.”

Did that mean he believed her now? Did she dare hope he’d quit lumping her together with his ex-fiancée, who’d betrayed him? Could they be more?

“Mr. Dane. We are ready for takeoff,” the pilot said over the loudspeaker. “If you both would take your seats and buckle up, we’ll be in the air in minutes. Beautiful, clear day. Should have a smooth flight.”

Bronson fastened his seat belt and sat back. “So what do you think of the name Herbert?”

Mia’s gaze darted to his, only to find him laughing. A humorous side? Who knew? This was going to be an interesting flight.

Bronson watched Mia’s eyes light up at his joke. He only hoped he hadn’t offended her and she didn’t have some long-lost friend with that name.

“I know you’ve thought of names,” he told her as the plane began to taxi down the runway. “I’ll bet you’ve even scribbled some down to see what they look like.”

“Maybe just a few.” Mia laughed. “This is a big deal. We’ll live with this name for the rest of our lives—and so will the baby. I want something classy and timeless, but not far out there.”

Every day that passed, he was coming to think of this baby as his own. He couldn’t pinpoint when he’d let the unknown override his feelings for this baby. Somehow Mia had not only pulled him into her web, but into this innocent baby’s, as well.

And his mother and Victoria always questioned him about the child—that didn’t help. Those two were so willing to look past everything and believe the best of Mia.

Couldn’t they see how this would crush them if Mia was lying? Oh, he’d love to believe Mia, love to know he had a second chance at being a father. Love to know that this woman he was coming to care more and more about was not deceitful.

Truth was, he was ready to jump from the pessimistic ship he’d been sailing and get onboard with his family. But he also had to remain realistic to keep his heart from taking another beating.

“I have this feeling the baby is a girl,” she went on. “So I’ve been thinking more girl names.”

Bronson smiled. He could easily see Mia holding an infant in her likeness with dark hair, flawless Italian skin and those midnight eyes that looked straight through to your heart. His own heart constricted at the thought.

“Such as?” he asked as the plane lurched into the air.

She crossed her legs, smoothing her skirt down over her thighs. “Well, what do you think of Katharine or Audrey?”

“Classic movie stars, loved by millions.”

Mia’s silky laugh floated through the plane. “Get your mind off films for a minute. We’re talking baby names. I want a name that will carry her from childhood to adulthood. Something strong, yet feminine.”

“You’re that sure it’s a girl?”

She bit at her bottom lip, the lip he was dying to kiss. “I’m not sure, but maybe I’m just hoping.”

Honestly, he didn’t care, so long as the baby was his. Damn, he was going to be heartbroken if…

“Hey, you didn’t tell me what was going on with your mom and sister this morning.” Mia’s brows drew together in worry as she leaned forward in her seat. “Everything okay?”

Bronson sighed, not wanting to think about the fact that after she came out of her same-day surgery with glowing reviews from the doctors, his mother had again asked him to consider Anthony as the director.

“My mother had a heart cath this morning.”

Mia jerked up in her seat. “Oh, Bronson. I had no idea. She’s never said a word to me that she was having cardiac issues. Is she okay?”

Bronson knew Mia’s love for his mother was genuine and that only added to his confidence that she was trustworthy. And he was starting to care more for her than he ever intended.

“Her stress test showed something was off, so this was just a precaution. I assure you, she’s fine and the doctor said she looks perfect.”

Mia’s visible sag of relief warmed him all over. She loved his family without question. But how would his heart take it if she was lying? He was getting in deeper every day and couldn’t emotionally afford to lose her.

No, no. He didn’t want love or any such emotion to be involved. No way was he ready for anything like that.

“Tell me where we’re going,” she begged. “Just a hint.”

He’d gotten her this far, might as well give in. He’d always been a sucker for a woman begging.


Mia’s eyes widened a split second before they misted. “Where my…”

He leaned across, taking her hands in his. “I know that’s where your family was from. I thought you might want to see your birthplace before you begin your own journey as a parent.”

“Bronson,” Mia whispered as one lone tear trickled down her cheek. “I’ve never felt so appreciative or grateful. I don’t know what to say.”

Moved by her honest emotion, he unbuckled his seat belt, shifting to sit next to her and buckling in there. “You don’t have to say anything. I’ve wanted to do this for you, but when Mom dropped this bombshell of her procedure the other day, I had to wait to see if we could still go. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen with her.”

Mia’s delicate hand cupped his cheek. “You’re the kindest man I’ve ever known. Our baby is going to have the best father.”

Bronson swallowed the lump in his throat, grabbed Mia’s hand and kissed it. “I have other surprises while we’re there, but I refuse to tell you. Those you will have to wait for.”

Mia sniffed, laid her cheek against their joined hands and smiled. “You’ve given me more than I’d ever hoped for.”

He knew she wasn’t just talking about the trip, but the baby. A baby he could hardly deny any longer was his. He’d been sliding down a slippery rope since he found out Mia was expecting and he was hanging on by a strand.

He needed to know more about her on a personal level. Needed to try to develop the trust he so desperately wanted to have.

Mia’s first impression of Tuscany was everything she’d dreamed. Rolling green hills, beautiful villas on hillsides and a sense of calm and serenity. Sunshine kissing the tops of trees, roads wet after a brief shower. And the beauty made that nineteen-hour plane ride worth every minute.

“How far is our villa?” she asked once they were settled into the car Bronson had rented.

“No villa.”

“Are we camping in a tent?” She laughed.

Bronson smiled as he wound through the narrow streets. “I’ve rented a castle.”

“A castle?” Mia tried to grasp the implications of that. “You’re kidding.”

“Not at all.”

Mia watched the old city fly by. “But this was such short notice. How did you manage a room in a castle?”

He threw her a look as if to say, “Look who you’re dealing with.”

“We didn’t get a room,” he told her, turning back to the road. “The entire castle is ours until Friday.”

Mia eased deeper into her seat. This man was nothing short of amazing. He’d gone through some trouble to whisk her away to the town in which her parents had met, fallen in love and started their young family. He’d rented an entire castle all to be alone with her. She didn’t believe he went through all this just to sleep with her again.

He cared for her—that much was obvious. But did he love her? Mia didn’t know and had a feeling he was unsure himself. She had to be patient and let him figure out on his own where he wanted this to go.

When he pulled into the drive that wound up the hill, Mia gasped. “This is beautiful, Bronson.”

“We used some of the grounds in a film I produced about five years ago. I’ve always wanted to stay here but never found a reason to.”