Page 43 of Faith and Damnation

I looked up at the Tyrant, his expression confirming my suspicions, before taking a step back from the edge of the tower, unfurling my wings and pulling myself in to the sky. In a moment I was airborne, moving quickly and with purpose, the Tyrant following closely behind.

The air had changed, though.

I could feel it.

The calm I had been wrapped in a moment ago was gone, replaced by a growing ball of anxiety welling up inside of me. Upahead, in the courtyard, I saw the Seeker speaking to Azrael. He was gone before we landed beside her, having taken to the skies again and disappearing as quickly as he had arrived.

“What is it?” I asked Azrael as my feet touched the ground.

Azrael looked about ready to erupt.

“There was a moment when I thought all of this was bullshit,” she said, shaking her head.

“Azrael, what’s happened?”

“He really is coming, and he has a whole army at his back.”

“Did you think my people were lying?” asked the Tyrant.

“A part of me had hoped that they were.”

“How many are there?” I asked.

“Many. My scout puts them at about two days flight away.”

The Tyrant shook his head. “That is not enough time.”

“Enough time for what?”

“To train them to fight.”

“My people know how to fight,” Azrael hissed, advancing on the Tyrant like she wanted to tear his throat out with her hands. “I won’t have you disrespecting them in my presence again.”

The Tyrant’s jaw clenched. “I did not mean to disrespect them,” he said, through gritted teeth. “Butwith all due respect,you do not know who you are dealing with.”

“Oh? Tell me, then.”

I placed a hand on the Tyrant’s shoulder and interrupted him before he could say something provocative. “Azrael,” I said, “Medrion is… vicious. He’s not going to fight like other angels. His people are going to tear through this place and murder everyone.”

“Expect untold brutality, and no quarter,” the Tyrant added. “He will demand we surrender first, and he will give us a short window to do it. Then he will storm this place, break down your walls, and make you wish you had given up your ideals for him. You are formidable… he will try to turn you.”

“He’ll fail,” Azrael snarled.

“Your resolve is impressive. I hope it holds in the face of what is to come.”

Azrael seemed to consider the Tyrant’s words as she watched us both, standing side by side. The Tyrant, war-hardened and deadly. And me,pink-haired and hopeful. “Do you really want to train my people?” she asked.

“I do,” said the Tyrant. “But we are running out of time.”

“We should get moving, then.”

The Tyrant nodded and moved up beside Azrael. “And you?” he asked me.

“What about me?” I asked, suddenly confused.

“You are to report to training as well, Lightbringer.”

“Oh… right.” I paused, awkwardly. “I had thought…”